Chimaev threatened by the German underworld for visiting Kadyrov - He won't budge and replied

Unheralded Truth

Brown Belt
Platinum Member
May 14, 2017
Reaction score

So they've been out looking for him and calling his private number, speaking Chechen so obviously immigrants. This is a voice message they left:

- Had you sold out just for the money, then your actions would have a logical explanation. But since you already had a fame and made money when you sold out, it's probably a wish to be a slave of Putin's slave.
Maybe you have it in your genes, being determined to become a slave of slaves. It's like your whole essence is to be a servant for Russians, so puppy, calm down and don't speak back. Just know that any
muscle, no matter how hard, has no worth should it get smacked with a baseball bat. You must know that our guys in Europe aren't nobodies, so don't provoce them or our European brothers will make a
"flag out of your asshole". You chose this path on your own. Being Kadyrov's slave who in turn is Putin's slave, so no talking now Khamzat, just continue fighting wearing a mini skirt, all naked in the ring!

Later Chimaev replied with his own message lol:

- I already came there and waiting for you all? Don't you have any men among you? (lots of cursing and slurs). I have nothing to talk about with you. I already showed you that you're not men. Your friend said
that he would show me what Berlin is about, so I thought I'd find worthy enemies. That's why I'm telling you now: Come here where I am located if you want. You can publish this tape anywhere you want!
Sounds kinda gay to me
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Obviously russians in germany. (germany got 2,5 million russian speakers)
Man Khamzat looked sharp as fuck hitting those pads. Damn.
Kammy, hanging out with homicidal maniacs will not fix your cleft-lip.
Soundz like they have history... & some considerable beef has boiled up. I wouldn't think it smart to go to war with any kind of militia group... but if you were, then stoking the fire also seems out of place.

Perhaps they're in bed together & making Chim look like a gangster is their version of free advertising. (brilliant if true... here we are talking about him)

I think there's too much history missing from this interaction for any of us to really be able to comment accurately.
Obviously russians in germany. (germany got 2,5 million russian speakers)
Chechens in Germany, to be precise.

Or more accurately, just some street thugs looking to cash in a bit on him being famous.