Choose only one but carefully!

Youth restored.
With Option 1. The only thing is being careful not to change things too much. I still want to end up with my wife and kids that I have. It would be great, all the way up until I have to carefully make things play out in my mid 30s so my kids are the same. If I can keep that, youth restored would be epic.

If that wouldn't be possible, then teleportation.
Youth restored is easily the best answer. Easily invest the 1000000, retired by 24. Billionaire a few years later. Who needs superpowers when you can just buy whatever you want?
I'm taking God Mode without the kong dong. Youth restored would be cool until you realize you're a 5 year old and how the hell will you survive in your current environment. Unless you revert back to the year you were 5 and get to do it all over again. God mode you can just create whatever you want out of thin air, and then when you are 26, you god mode your ass back to 22 every 4 years.
How so? Imagine the shit you can steal from the rich.

yeah, useless.

also..fingerprints, DNA, and invisible doesn't mean you can phase through objects.

plus ultraviolet powder lol

I was tempted by the God option but why do I have to downsize to a tiny 14 inch dick?

Youth restored, obviously. I don't even need the money.
Does youth restored mean I would be 5 in 2024 and everyone I know would remain their current age?
If so give me give me teleportation so I can turn to an easy life of crime and live out my life on a private Island I bought from thieving.
Edit: reread it, Youth Restored it is!
In a vacuum id take option 1 but then my daughter never exists right?
I’m well over 27 years old, so the last one can’t work for me.

I choose teleportation. I hate the travel part of traveling. I can just drop off my wife at the airport and say, “See you in Europe in 25 hours,” then teleport to the hotel and get drunk.
The youth one

The other ones would make me paranoid. The God mode is cool but 27 years is way too young
Invisibibility to bang every hot babe I see.

But probably teleportation. I could travel the world and then vanish when I get in trouble.
Teleportation is the option I'd choose because it makes the most sense.

Though Youth Restored sounds appealing, I'm happy with my current life and wouldn't risk my relationship for a second chance at growing up. The thought of reliving those years without my partner by my side just isn't worth it.

Invisibility could be fun, but it comes with a lot of ethical gray areas and could even be dangerous if used irresponsibly.

Teleportation, on the other hand, is incredibly useful. The ability to travel instantly without any costs, access restricted areas, or escape danger is practical and has a ton of applications.
Youth restored an its no thought needed. Go back to 1977 you could grow a fortune to become richest person ever by 21. Knowing everything g to invest in and every sporting event to wager on. The million at 21 isn't needed it wpuld be pocket change by then .

Unless this refers to going back to 5 years old an still being 2024 - then no chsnce 1 would be last choice.
Teleportation. The youth one is tempting, but having to sit through school again and be around my father are not appealing. Sure i could wow my teachers and skip a lot of grades, until they throw slightly complex math at me and realize i'm not the prodigy they thought i was.

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