Clean Jones vs DC in 2018


Brown Belt
Oct 4, 2017
Reaction score
Is it possible? Would you want it to be? I'm hoping it's possible.
Jones vs DC? Maaaaaybe
CLEAN Jones vs DC? No
Not sure we'll ever see a clean Jones.
Clean Jones? Lmao good luck with that. The guys so mentally dependant on the juice, he won't ever dare fight a guy as great as DC without it, whether he gets caught or not.

He'd rather have a tianted win, than a clean loss. ESPECIALLY against a guy like DC, who he probably still hates.
Well in 2018 is very unlikely last i heard he was looking at a 4 year ban. I feel bad for DC because he's kinda hung up on another guys failures. Jon cheated but everyone saw what happened in the fight also. It's a long treacherous road back for Jon, if he even makes it back at all.
What makes you think Jon is going to come back in 2018?
His CSAC hearing is in February. He'd have to get a pretty light slap on the wrist to be sanctioned to compete in 2018.

My money is on 2020 at the earliest.
DC shouldn't do it. He has nothing to prove, he took his L's like a man. To be objective I don't think DC can ever beat JJ, and a third fight is not good for his mental health (not trying to be a dick or funny)

It's just not worth it, honestly I wouldn't want to see it.
Is there any word on how he may escape a lengthy suspension? Fighting within a year or so seems unlikely.
DC shouldn't do it. He has nothing to prove, he took his L's like a man. To be objective I don't think DC can ever beat JJ, and a third fight is not good for his mental health (not trying to be a dick or funny)

It's just not worth it, honestly I wouldn't want to see it.

Fair enough.

Edit- should have added, DC not being able to win is based on ped performance, so no.
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Bones is good for MMA. DC is 38 and counting.

You think a dude crashing into pregnant women and running from the scene is good for the sport? Or was it getting busted for cocaine that took the sport to new heights? Or maybe getting busted for performance enhancers?

So many different things to choose from with Jones.
It's impossible. Jones isn't clean, and never will be.
perfect jones hater logic. Jones was born dirty! Ever thing he ever did is tainted. GTFOH. you have no clue.
DC shouldn't do it. He has nothing to prove, he took his L's like a man. To be objective I don't think DC can ever beat JJ, and a third fight is not good for his mental health (not trying to be a dick or funny)

It's just not worth it, honestly I wouldn't want to see it.
He was winning the second fight up until that kick. I can definitely see DC winning the third fight. He closes the distance well.
Is there any word on how he may escape a lengthy suspension? Fighting within a year or so seems unlikely.
why is it that a guy like Jones clearly has a legit reason for his test but no one is listening. All I"m reading is this guy has been cheating, which is not true considering the other test he passed. So why is it you expect him to receive the max penalty. To add his time started the moment the results came back which is why the match was turned to a no contest. I wish you people would relax and allow those with authority do their job then speak on that verus the other way around.
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