Climbing up from the pit of despair.


Hip Thrusts: x5 @19kg

Inv row: x10 (feet on box)(10kg west)

1arm Oh lunge x5 12kg kb

Trx Pushups x8

Coc2 2x3



Band pull aparts: x15

Offset DB squat x8(4kg)

Kb bottom up press x10 (8kg)*

Strap chins bottom: x6

Reverse rb 160 x10



Bar bicep curls strict: x15(+10kg)

External rotation pull aparts: x15

Tall kneeling French press x15 (+10kg)

Unilateral farmers walks: 30m (10kg plate + 12kg Kb)

Offset single leg rdl: x8 (4kg)

60pound gripper xmax
Trained thursday

Goblet squats: 3x10@12kg

Pullups: 5x3 @14kg

Hip thrust: 3x10 @14kg

Offset step up: 3x5 @12kg

Dips: 4x6 @14kg

Hklm press: 3x10 @16kg

Rb210: 5x1

Tall kneeling 1a row: 3x10

Coc2: 5x3

Rkc plank: 10x15sec

Clubell curls with externa rotation: 3x15 @2x4kg

60pound gripper 3xmax
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Hip Thrusts: x5 @22kg

Inv row: x10 (feet on box)(10kg west)

1arm Oh lunge x7 12kg kb

Trx Pushups x8 (10kg west)

Coc2 2x3



Band pull aparts: x15

Offset DB squat x5(7kg)

Kb bottom up press x5 (12kg)

Strap chins bottom: x6

Reverse rb 160 x10



Bar bicep curls strict: x8 (+15kg)

External rotation pull aparts: x20

Tall kneeling French press x8(+15kg)

Unilateral farmers walks: 30m (2x12kg Kb)

Offset single leg rdl: x5 (7kg)

Im feeling very good now and have barely felt my back for weeks.

Im not gonna change a thing for at least another 4weeks except maybe some small tweaks in set/reps or tut etc.

Im gonna start doing amrap on the last set on most of my upper body movements to get some more volume in.
Trained today, upped the volume a bit on some movements inc amrap sets on all last sets on upper body lifts.
Also i added 1set on my goblet squats.

Goblet squats: 4x10@16kg (added 1set)

Pullups: 5x4 @14kg (6reps on last set)

Hip thrust: 3x8 @17kg

Offset step up: 3x8 @12kg

Dips: 4x6 @14kg (+1x7 bw reps with hold at top)

Hklm press: 3x6 @17kg (12reos last set)

Rb210: 5x1

Tall kneeling 1a row: 3x10

Coc2: 5x3

Rkc plank: 5x20sec

Clubell curls with externa rotation: 3x15 @2x4kg (hold on top for max pumpz)

60pound gripper 3xmax
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ust had a great workout


Hip Thrusts: x5 @24kg (3sec hold at toP)

Inv row: x5 (feet on box)(14kgwest) (8reps on last set)

1arm Oh lunge x10 12kg kb

Trx Pushups x5 (14kg west)8reps on last set

Coc2 2x3



Band pull aparts: x20

Offset DB squat x8(7kg)

Kb bottom up press x7(12kg)

Strap chins bottom: x6

Reverse rb 160 x10



Bar bicep curls strict: x10 (+15kg)12reps on last set

External rotation pull aparts: x20

Tall kneeling French press x10 (+15kg)12reps on last set

Unilateral farmers walks: 30m (16+12kg Kb)

Offset single leg rdl: x8 (7kg)
Just had grinder of a workout, did what i was supposed to but it was tough today.
To much sugar and weed and not enough protein.
Need moar Celltech!

Goblet squats: [email protected] (added 1set)

Pullups: 5x @14kg (5reps on last set)

Hip thrust: 3x10 @17kg

Offset step up: 3x10 @12kg

Dips: 4x8 @14kg (no extra bw reps with hold at top)

Hklm press: 3x10@17kg (12reps last set)

Rb210: 5x1

Tall kneeling 1a row: 3x10

Coc2: 5x3

Rkc plank: 7x20sec

Clubell curls with externa rotation: 3x15 @2x4kg (hold on top for max pumpz)
Had a good but tough workout, no particular lift that is too hard bit the total volume is starting to take some effort to complete.

Ive also done a clubbell workout together with my rehab the day before for the last 6 weeks so its all adding up.


Hip Thrusts: x5 @27kg (3sec hold at toP)

Inv row: x6 (feet on box)(14kgwest) (9reps on last set)

1arm Oh lunge x12 12kg kb

Trx Pushups x6 (14kg west)9reps on last set

Coc2 2x3



Band pull aparts: x20

Offset DB squat x5(10kg)

Kb bottom up press x10(12kg)

Strap chins bottom: x6

Reverse rb 160 x10



Bar bicep curls strict: x8 (+18kg)12reps on last set

External rotation pull aparts: x20

Tall kneeling French press x8(+18kg)12reps on last set

Unilateral farmers walks: 30m (16kg Kb +15kg db)

Offset single leg rdl: x5 (10kg)
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Did a shortened workout today, been working alot on my indian clubs and clubbells lately, and my upper body is starting to get sore.
Also im leaving for croatia in a few days so this is a perfect way to deload a bit.

Did a deload at a few movements and skipped some aswell.
This will be the last time i do this workout, after my vacation i will have changed things up but still very similar.

Goblet squats: [email protected]

Pullups: 5x5 just bw for perfect reps and holds at top.

Hip thrust: 3x8 @20kg

Offset step up: 3x10 @12kg (just slow and tried to get a pump)

Dips: 4x10 just bodyweight today, still i did them slow and held at top to get some good effect from it.

Hklm press: 3x6 @18kg (10reps last set)
Been away to croatia for a psytrance festival tjat lasted 6days.
Been a bit sore from the traveling and camping but ive done my 1pound club routine every day for a few days and some rehab.

Today i did a super light workout just to eas into my routine again.

Warmed up with some rehab work and 1pound indian clubs

Goblet squats: 2x5 @8kg kb (super slow with a 5sec hold at bottom)

Pullups: 5x3

Step ups: 3x5 bw (2inch higher than before)

Dips: 5x3 (very slow just getting a nice stretch)

Hklm press: 2x10 @10kg

Standing 1arm Kb row: Just tried a set on each side with the pink 4kg kb ;)

Kneeling Stir the pot: 2x10 per side, very small circles
Did my rehab and clubbell/indian clubs yesterday. My shoulder mobility has increased more in the past 2months than ever thanks to the light 1pound clubs and the Grey Cook dvd that shows how to use them.

Today i did a main workout, have moded it a little and from now on i will write my workouts a little different.

1a: Hip thrusts: 3x5 @ 21,6kg (my db handle and screws weigh 1.6kg)

1b: Rb210 4x1

2A/C: Bulgarian split squats: 2x5 @ 8kg kb goblet hold

2B: Suspension Pushups: 3x8 @bw

2D: Suspension rows: 3x10 bw

3A: Offset Goblet squat: 3x5 @ 6.6kg

3B: Bottoms up Kb press: 2x5 @ 12kg

3C: Band pull aparts: 3x20

4A: Offset 1leg Rdl: 3x5 @6.6kg

4B: Strap Chinups: 3x3

5A: Bar strict curls: 3x8 @ 22kg

5B: Standing French press: 3x10 @ 22kg

5C: Offset Farmers walks: 12 +16kg Kb 60m
Im gonna keep doing my routine as long as i ffeeli can handle the volume.

Right now im doing many of the movements very light so having 13lifts in one sesion is ok.
Im prob up to over 20 if i count all the prehab/activation i also do.
But once i feel im struggling then i will start to get rid of any fluff.
Also here is how my Clubbell workout looks like atm.

1pounders: Open half kneeling mills both sides and both hands.
Standing 2hand mills in various directions.

2pounders: swimming circles, reverse lunge with front hold, side lunge.

4pound clubbells: 2hand swing/arm cast/front hold combo
Single arm rotational swing, single arm shield cast.

22pounder: Gama casts, very small swings.

Finisher: 2pounders, arm cast/swing combo alternate with mills and skip rope.

I try to add a little bit of volume each time if i feel good.
Im gonna build these movements very slow.
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Just did some training, i felt a bit tired in my back and sore in my glutes from yesterdays clubbell workout so i took it easy with the squats.
Im glad if im where i was before my vacation in 2more workouts.

1A: Pullups: 5x3 @12kg

1B: Hip thrust: [email protected]

2A: Goblet squats: 4x5@12kg

2B Dips: 4x5 @12kg (no extra bw reps with hold at top)

2C: Offset step up: 3x5 @8kg

3 Hklm press: 3x6@15kg

4 Mod standing 1a row: 3x5

5 Coc2: 5x3

6 Stir the pot: 2x8 per side

7 Rb160: reverse grip 3x8
Went full retard with my clubs and swinged them a bit too hard 2days ago.
Before my vacation i could handle it but kow my back flared up a bit.

Gonna remove the swings and focus on the shoulder and isometric clubs movements.
Im gonna end this log here, i feel ive been writing here gor to long and i need a fresh start.

I will say that i have made major progress even though my lifting numbers dont seem like much.
I wont abandon this log totally though, whenever i make any landmark improvements i will write it down.
I hit a 140kg trapbar deadlift a few weekend ago.
And a few days i did a easy 80kg set of front squat.

Im almost totally pain free now, just need to be very careful and take my recovery work at least as serious as the lifting.