Cm punk would destroy bethe Correa

If this is the wasteland already, then where will this end up...?

CM Punk would beat Nunes and Cryroid too. The yuge strength gap makes up for the skill gap.

inbe4 white knights disagree
Once Punk jumps for that guillotine its over for everyone
In a fight, sure. In a high jump or slam dunk competition, no chance.
What if CM Punk would have become the GOAT but just wasted his potential in pro wrestling? He had a prime high kick that would have made cro cop blush.
CM Punk would destroy Bethe.
It would be a close fight and Betch would get a late finish.
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They already fought and she won

Not a chance.

This must be April Fool's day.
I am honestly not sure.

he just sucks so bad.

I always though WWE took some athleticism to do but....
CM Punk would beat Nunes and Cryroid too. The yuge strength gap makes up for the skill gap.

inbe4 white knights disagree
I'd normally agree but this is CM Punk we're talking about. Some of the worst head movement/upper body movement I've ever seen. Not sure if hanging your chin leaning back is going to hold up to a berserker barrage from Nunes. Any other man, I'd concur. But Phil?