Cody's wife posts her post pregnancy photos

Lmao all i can say is that they make a perfect couple. Gawd bless em.
Minus the tattoo she definitely looks better on the right unless you just prefer body fat, which I guess some people do. She has bigger thighs on the right but not due to fat. Her face is far more defined.

She is gonna get some hate from fat women for 'fat shaming' women who stay fat after pregnancy or are just generally fat. They argue posting stuff like this sets an unreal expectation that they too should get themselves in shape and shames them if they do not.

Does everyone remember this battle.

Posting this pic was considered 'controversial'.


Which launched a war against her by women who support a site called 'Curvy Girl' and ultimately Fit Mom, apologizing

smh she apologized
punk ass, she should have doubled down posted more pics and called them fat hoes lazy.
You are a cuck.

Just not jealous. I'm 61yrs. old and I've seen and done about everything. My old lady gives me nothing to be jealous about, however a picture on the internet wouldn't bother me.
"I never planned on posting these."

lol Good one.
Wow, I would not want my wife posting those photos online. She's gonna be getting some DMs.

id never allow my wife or girlfriend to do such a thing...she's an attention whore...she should only be showing her body to her man...nobody else...
All u had to say was Necktats and I’m a fan too.

He dumb.

I hope he does better.

But he dumb. Her too I guess it seems.

If u are well, this u don’t do. On both.
What a tease.

I'm bout to cuck Cody.
Looking for her next piece when McGregor goes away.

I think it’s really trashy. But she’s playing the game she’s been taught, and doing it well. Watch him blow his lid and do something bad very shortly.

Ruined what appears to be a very nice body with a shitty tattoo. She learened that part from the clown as well.


Edit. I read Conor not Cody. Everything still kinda fits except Cody ain’t going to jail. The tattoo shit still fits. It’s still trashy to post that.

Still whatever
Looking for an upgrade on ‘No chin’ since he is now also ‘No belt’? Awful same thing happened to Ricky Bobby when he lost
"Cody you and i both know this relationship has been over for a long time "
Feel bad for Cody. What are odds that marriage last 5 years?
Look at all the triggered, sensitive and insecure females on here hating on her ink or her posting a picture like she did. She looks amazing after having their baby not that long ago.. plus, in my culture, ink on a woman is a very beautiful thing and is normal. Real men tend to go after gorgeous women, women that other men want, and if she posts a pic that makes other men act a fool, then he obviously picked the right woman, regardless of the hateful words.. the likes on the pic tell q dif story.
Just not jealous. I'm 61yrs. old and I've seen and done about everything. My old lady gives me nothing to be jealous about, however a picture on the internet wouldn't bother me.

A woman should have enough respect for her man to not do that...years ago, a woman would never dare do such a thing...we as men have let these broads get away with way too much...
Brandon has pushed her hard alright!
Look at all the triggered, sensitive and insecure females on here hating on her ink or her posting a picture like she did. She looks amazing after having their baby not that long ago.. plus, in my culture, ink on a woman is a very beautiful thing and is normal. Real men tend to go after gorgeous women, women that other men want, and if she posts a pic that makes other men act a fool, then he obviously picked the right woman, regardless of the hateful words.. the likes on the pic tell q dif story.

if you're single, that i'm cool with chicks posting pics..but if you have a man...the man should have say over what that woman does...who is she to be posting pics for other men to see...why try and impress other men, when you have a man? I'd never put up with that..not for a second.

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