Colby Covington says he has ‘real dirt’ on Tyron Woodley that would ‘ruin his life’


Shut up and fight him then

This Colby character is exactly the kind of idiot I'd expect to support Trump/Putin.

By the way, you all MUST WATCH "Active Measures" - a great doc that builds the clear case that either Trump is a Putin asset or else..... he's unknowingly a Putin asset..... it REALLY builds the case bit by bit and it's mind blowing that this guy is a president of a western country, especially one that has always distrusted Russia (with GOOD reason). Mindblowing.

BUT, back to the topic.

This guy is a professional snitch. Why the FUCK do we want info that will "ruin Tyron's life"?? Assuming this is true, isn't he a fighter? Don't we want to see him fight??

WHAT THE FUCK is going through Snitchby Snitchington's empty head???

"Dirt" on TW?? You're not a fucking reporter investigating an elected official! The man got his position by beating ppl's asses, not by pulling the wool over our eyes about what kind of man he is.

FIGHT HIM AND THEN FUCK OFF, Snitchington! Your slime is really low and sickly.
It's a fitting analogy. Colby is Trump and Woodley is Hillary. Neither is likable but we're stuck with them for the time being. It just comes down to who you dislike the least.
Or who is in the pocket of a foreign failed state that influences world politics by blackmail, fake news propaganda (exported from Russia to the USA), assassination and corporate meddling.

Hilary is a demon and I acknowledge that. And she serves her own globalist masters.

But Trump is a mindless wind up toy who is fully in the pocket of a failed state. It's crazy.
When Tyron is done Colby will be even more like Trump.

They will both have pee tapes.
Something about pornstar (s) my guess.

COLBY trying to be relevant

the only douche thing about Tyrone is he drives while eating and on the phone in a massive 4x4 and has no regards for others
Doesn't everyone do this sort of thing? Not that its warranted, but still...
Colby enjoys that mushroom flavour.
And you guys wonder why this sport is stagnated in the public eye. I don’t remember this high school girls bathroom shit from fighters during the peak of UFC growth. If this is what Colby has to do to draw interest, says a lot about the state of the sport. Pathetic. Could you imagine Hagler or Tyson saying they had social stuff on opponents prior to a potential fight? I’m sure a lot of fighters know things, but it’s irrelevant.
You live long enough, we all have stuff in our past. How it’s relevant to being a UFC fighter, beats me. But clearly this stuff works with enough people even though we just saw Till get annihilated, his talk prior to the fight had absolutely nothing to do with what happened in the Octagon.
You’d think people would learn from that, but obviously not.
Has it always? Or has it only been a handful of individuals like Tito, Brock, Chael and McGregor?

What about guys like GSP, Liddell, Penn, Couture, Anderson, Royce or the Diaz Brothers? Guys who acted like fighters and martial artists, not hokey pro wrestlers?

I don't remember WWE ever promoting itself as "win by KO, submission or death" either.

The early UFC's were marketed like street fights and the TUF era was marketed closer to boxing/street fighting than it was to pro wrestling...this current shit era of UFC is the only one that like pro wrestling.

Guess you need to read up about Pride.

And the roots of MMA.

Shoot fighting.


Read up about Ken Shamrock. Dan FUCKING Severn. You want to call Dan out on his pro wrestling?

Noob shitting on pro wrestling.

Dana learnt everything from Vince McMahon. Meanwhile Pride was set up to show case pro wrestling.

Ken Shamrock was a pro wrestler, Liddell lived like he Ric Flair, Tito trained to cut promos like he was in the WWE and rest couldn’t sell a dime until Dana came along.

Sounds like a bluff but I wouldn’t be surprised if Call TheCopsington has dirt on everyone. If you’re going to be a snitchy little cunt, you may as well be the best at it.
UFC needs to step in and tell him to tone down on the political and racial dog whistle shit. It’s pathetic and makes them look like low brow 70s wrestling
Didn't Chael pull something similar with Jon Jones? Said he knew things about Jones' personal life that would destroy his image and reputation with the public if they ever got out, and he threatened to leak 'em himself if Jones beat him at UFC 159.

Then he lost and didn't have shit to say. I expect Colby's fate to be no different.
Guess you need to read up about Pride.

And the roots of MMA.

Shoot fighting.


Read up about Ken Shamrock. Dan FUCKING Severn. You want to call Dan out on his pro wrestling?

Noob shitting on pro wrestling.

Dana learnt everything from Vince McMahon. Meanwhile Pride was set up to show case pro wrestling.

Ken Shamrock was a pro wrestler, Liddell lived like he Ric Flair, Tito trained to cut promos like he was in the WWE and rest couldn’t sell a dime until Dana came along.


Yeah I know all about Pancrase, I know all about Pride's relationship with pro wrestling organizations. I know about Dana/Fertitta's looking up to Vince McMahon.

Doesn't mean that the sport has always been/has to be tied to pro wrestling.

What about Vale Tudo? That had nothing to do with pro wrestling, that came from street fighting and martial arts.

Vale Tudo existed before Pride or Pancrase ever did.

What about the martial arts themselves, that have existed since the beginning of unarmed combat? Or the Gracie challenge? Did those come from pro wrestling too?

"Chuck lived like Ric Flair" LMFAO...Yeah partying and boozing was something Ric Flair invented, sure guy.

Like I said- outside of a hand full of fighters in the UFC and some organizations in Japan trying to make a quick buck at the box office, the sport isn't directly tied to pro wrestling.
When Tyrone was little, he stole 50 cents from the church collection plate.
When tyrone was a kid, he told his mom he was sick so he could stay home and watch price is right
Colby's problem is the same as Mackenzie Dern's accent. They both ran shit marketing campaigns that they're in too deep to get out of. He's getting a title shot because he's 9-1 in the UFC with 6 wins in a row. His antics did absolutely nothing other than make him look like a fucking moron.
It would be hillarious if they give someone else a title shot again
Hes trying to scare tyron so tyron doesnt release colby's sister's DMs. Colby is not very bright.

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