Common jobs after post UFC career?


Gold Belt
May 30, 2013
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After fighting, what do most UFC fighters do for a living?

I always wondered what career field they go to?

I know Manny and Karo were teaching judo seminars though the hayastan dojo I think downsized after Covid + lack of interest in MMA or at training in it. Spencer Fisher mentioned that he tried construction work but was not feeling well. He teaches MMA but does not use the term MMA but martial arts and fitnes.

It seems like a fighter in the UFC will struggle if they do not become personal trainers. Kevin Burns and Chris Lytle never quit their jobs and they stuck to being bank manager and fighter of fires during their careers.
Plenty of fighters have gyms that they manage and coach classes at, like Dan Henderson. That’s pretty straight forward since they’ve been in the gym all their life (usually) and that’s what they know. Plus if they are name fighters like Hendo it attracts more people. So coaching is a job as well.

some fighters get a job as commentators, fight analysts or something like that. Fighting is what they know so they can just call out what they see and what they’re looking at. For example DC, Bisping, Dan Hardy, Cruz, Rashad Evans, Chiesa.. I think even Anthony Smith
Used car salesmen for Kerr. Maybe Coleman too?
Genki Sudo quit fighting and went to politics college.
Carlos Newton is an engineer. As is Shane Carwin.
Josh Neer is a dentist.
A used car salesman sounds like a better career then going to a Politics college. I imagine most of the fighters teach in Gyms or own their own and train up and coming fighters.
Is hitting rock bottom a job? Asking for Phil.
Random Jobs some former fighters got:

Carlos newton: medic
Thiago Tavares: medic
Phillip nover: nurse
Jay hieron: stuntman

There's also that Very hyped bellator hw fighter who was lesnar's training partner that retired to work with a milk Company If im not wrong
Also two other guys that i also don't remember the name (one died this year also) who went to porn