Conor McGregor clone found in Germany

Awful. Why would a grown man humiliate himself in that way?.
He even copies his poses and fighting style lol what a loser

OMG this is hilarious!! There's no way man. Ahahaaa
Even taking a page off his hero's book when it comes to weightcutting a ton to fight midgets
lol that guy really is like Conor, can only beat tiny men who are size of 13 year old boys.
Well his hero has no personality or soul and just copies everything he does and says off of other people (including seemingly being in the middle of unravelling his life doing a Scarface roleplay), so why not copy the fact your hero copies everything too?




Don't forget his El Chapo wannabe kit

It's like they are hoping someone is channel surfing and thinks it is legit Conor McGregor.

Like those Asylum movies ('Atlantic Rim' etc) whose business model was accidental rentals.
The other guy was fighting a guy tree times his size.
I'm embarrassed for my country and my surname. WHAT THE FUCK
This Adorf McConrad could make a few bucks to say the least in porn industry...(seriously has 'UFC' been done yet ? :D)
Poor man’s McGregor.

Has his own whiskey line coming out. It’s called suitable No. 11.

His opponents get a white panty night.

He once clowned an opponent at a press conference by saying, “I think I know that guy”.

He’s quoted as saying “We’re here to take part and have no intentions of taking over”.
"I even fought a guy tree times smaller than me"