Rumored Conor Mcgregor faces paternity claim from single mum to prove he is girl's dad

I actually think that Clodagh is a beautiful name. Seems like a really cute name for a baby/toddler/child anyway. Not sure about a full grown woman.
Makes me think of chowdah
Not married. All she'd get is child support. No 1/2 of everything or alimony. At this moment in time she's financially better off staying put.

True but if monogamy was actually important to her she would put that above the extra money and lavish lifestyle so it still makes no sense to feel bad for her. After all it's not like she would be in the poorhouse if all she got was child support.
Clodagh... that child is about to go through some rough years at school
what dafuq is going on with that pram, jesus christ


and what dafuq sort of name is Clodagh

Why is Conor's baby riding inside of Khabib's hat.
Lol, Conor didn't "disown" shit.

If this true, the woman made the conscious decision to get pregnant, and then to keep the baby, because she wants Conor's money.

If this is true, the man made the conscious decision to impregnate the woman.

May have already been said but that kid's hairline tells me Conor is in trouble here!

and who the fuck uses the word pram instead of stroller?
The people who originated the basis of the language you’re using, genius.
Perfect example of what I call “aggressive stupidity “. It’s not enough to quietly educate yourself, maybe Google the word, but no, it must be done by someone else in a publicly humiliating fashion. But it’s all for naught, Americans aren’t capable of being embarrassed at this point, especially for being ignorant. Carry on.

Edit: I thought this thread would get wastelanded fast as fuck, but somehow it's still here.

This shit is likely a load of bollocks, sort of like the rape claims. These are shots in the dark by people who want to tear Conor down lol
Dude, this has been going on for years between Conor and this girl. She has posted tons of pictures with them, the baby looks like him, she is filing a court case in Ireland for a DNA sample, been talking about this for years on Facebook and social is legit. Maybe Conor is not the father but he definitely was touching her pussy, they definitely talked and spent time together, she definitely has a baby and we just have to find out if it is Conors. I can't imagine her doing this, going thru all this trouble if it was not his tho. She will look like a royal dumbass if she does not even know who the Dad is.
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Dude, this has been going on for years between Conor and this girl. She has posted tons of pictures with them, the baby looks like him, she is filing sa court case in Ireland for a DNA sample, been talking about this for years on Facebook and social is legit. Maybe Conor is not the father but he definitely was touching her pussy, they definitely talked and spent time together, she definitely has a baby and we just have to find out if it is Conors. I can't imagine her doing this, going thru all this trouble if it was not his tho. She will look like a royal dumbass if she does not even know who the Dad is.

This woman doesn't have anything to do with rape allegations on Conor right?
Nope. Why would Conor deny being the father if he wanted to be the father? You make no sense.

People make conscious decisions that they later regret or deny all the time. That doesn't disprove they made the decision in the moment in time they made it.

The issue at hand isn't whether he wanted to be the father after the fact but whether he made a conscious decision to perform an action that if it succeeds as intended would impregnate a woman. Which he did unless you'r going to argue that he wasn't aware he was ejaculating into a woman and/or that he didn't know a man cumming in a woman is what causes pregnancy.
True but if monogamy was actually important to her she would put that above the extra money and lavish lifestyle so it still makes no sense to feel bad for her. After all it's not like she would be in the poorhouse if all she got was child support.
But look at the NBA - even bastards of rich athletes make BANK!

The kid will be given a % of his worth and Baby MaMa will obviously live off it too. She did a shitty selfish thing, was not thinking about her kid, but Conor also goofed. No party in the right here, just two selfish spoiled adults fookin' up a kid's life. Kids need their Dad.
People make conscious decisions that they later regret or deny all the time. That doesn't disprove they made the decision in the moment in time they made it.

The issue at hand isn't whether he wanted to be the father after the fact but whether he made a conscious decision to perform an action that if it succeeds as intended would impregnate a woman. Which he did unless you'r going to argue that he wasn't aware he was ejaculating into a woman and/or that he didn't know a man cumming in a woman is what causes pregnancy.
LOL, so you really think Conor made the conscious decision to father an illegitimate child? LOL.
No it’s a fact they slept together but it’s not a fact that’s his child. Conor shouldn’t get caught on camera doing his best Trump impersonation. You think she’d make him take a paternity test if they didn’t bump uglies? Are you dense?

Plenty of women around the world make guys take paternity tests. It's a rumor they've slept together, nothing more nothing less. You have one party denying it while the other is saying it happened. It's straight up rumor he said she said.
Im not sure if that is the case. Cumming inside bitches without a condom is probably the best feeling in the world - its also dangerous tho. Guys, especially when drunk, assume the girl is on contraception, the pill or knows her ovulating schedule. You can have sex with girls sin on skin if she knows her schedule.....I do it all the time with the wife. Chances are she probably led him on a bit, took advantage of the situation, knowing she will never have to work a day in her life if she got pregnant by him......after all, she is a bit crazy if you have followed the story for the past few years.

The man still made the decision to cum inside the woman. When you cum inside a woman you're making a decision to do your part to impregnate her. Making a decision to do something and intending for the natural consequences of that action to occur are 2 different things. It's like if you knowingly shot someone at point blank range but had no intention of harming them and the person is seriously injured/dies from the gunshot wound. You still made the decision that, without outside interference, would likely lead to the consequence even if you don't intend the consequences.

Also this whole "the woman likely took advantage of him" is a bunch of BS. If this is true Conor's a grown man capable of making decisions who chose to have sex with her.