News Conor McGregor sucker punches elderly man in Irish Bar (Video Released)

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Looks like he threw the shot glass at him when I viewed it a few times.

Why did he punched the old dude?

-Alpha male
-How to succeed in life
-Many unsolved character issues from the past that were buried beneath the eye in first 25 years of his life.
That oldman should have go full Bas Rutten and hit Conor to death with a chair.
I am a huge fan of Conor, but that is pathetic. a Professional MMA fighter, attacking an old, untrained person is cowardice. Fuck Conor
What will it take for you to not be a Conar fan any more?
Genuinely interested why any UFC fan can like him, after the past 18 months of behaviour.
Word is that a certain sexual assault case is due to come up in the Irish courts very soon (next 2/3 months or so)

His lawyers are a firm (Staines) that have recently been seen defending the some of the most hated in Irish society (e.g. Sean Fitzpatrick - white collar criminal who cost the country tens of billions)
Whatever the motive behind this may be, it’s fucked up to hit an old man. Wtf is going on with CMac?
If the old guy talked some shit on Dee or Conor's kids would it be justified? It's not like Conor smacks people for no reason. Even if he said "Fuck your whiskey & fuck you" I don't see a problem. A multi millionaire celebrity shows up and pours you some whiskey, drink it and say thank you imo

Conortards are the scum of the Earth.
He's a fucking embarrassment lol
I can't believe I was ever a fan of this guy!

Well his fights are still entertaining as hell.
Also, he didn't use to be so criminal and messed up.
I remember the old Conor, he seemed more like a self help guru at the time and legit good human being that people want to cheer for as the underdog, than a scum human being. I remember being inspired when he talked about the law of attraction and how to realise your goals.

After the Floyd fight and the large paycheck, and the fact that he became the "MMA God" that people pay massive amount to see fight, power completely removed the good part of his soul. That's when he started losing respect for anything in his life including his wife.

The minute that he got the stereotypical "fuck you money", he started saying "fuck you" to the world.
what a piece of shit that little man is
See? Another payout.

He wastes his earnings like a motherfucker.

But if he keeps this silly shit up, i cant see ufc being comfy with promoting him. We may not have seen him lately because hes become a hot potato.
What an absolute scumbag move. Wow.
He was very exciting during his FW run,but he is now a textbook case of fame and money bringing out the worst of a man's personality.
That old guy was just lucky that Conor held back even though he could have easily had that him laying on the floor. Conor knows that because of his status and wealth that anybody will take the opportunity to try and sue him
Lol Conor put his entire body into that cheapshot
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