Media Conor post new video during the night. Mumble incoherent things

Khabib gave him some brain damage and whatever was left Dustin damaged that too.
He's never been quite right after Floyd. For Khabib he was drunk, but he was very coherent, but after Floyd whooped him he became demented.
The man is entertaining.

No wonder Dana loves to fellate him.
Meanwhile, Chandler is training like a madman ...
I'd say "Chandler by decapitation", but the fight is never going to happen. Since his injury Conor still has yet to post a video in which he's showing footwork that's better than delicately lethargic or doing anything that risks even slightly reinjuring his leg (excluding walking around blackout drunk, of course). He's either scared shitless about his leg or not yet recovered from the injury. He hasn't reentered USADA testing. I'll believe the fight will happen when he's entered testing and I see training video of Conor checking a leg kick and moving like he's not a heavyweight with bad knees.
Keep posting threads about him people, I actually think there's a chance he would make an account here just to call you a mush head rat
Imagine having a night out in Vegas with Jon and Conor. Must be some wild experience.
Id argue this was done even before Khabib. The boxing training/fight is what started it all.
It was the boxing money, not the boxing training. Once he got that huge pay day he changed. He went from a couple million to around 50 million. Most people would change like that or even worse with just 1 million lol.