Are you scared of getting the Coronavirus?

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Its perplexing how few people are looking beyond the short quarantine period

So.... this shit has got me wondering...if we are not allowed to go to work....and everything is closed anyways.... what happens in 2 months when everyone runs out of supplies/money?
You cant go back to work to make more money. And most places cant keep producing supplies if noone is buying them..

Seems like there is either going to be a mild ending to this or a really painful one..

This below is the most rational solution and im certain the gvmts will sooner or later be forced to do..stratify and protect high risk populace and let others live normally

Have the old and sick isolate and quarantine themselves until they can be vaccinated, and have the world not destroy itself in the meantime.

The reason it hasnt been adopted is the novelty of the virus catching gvmts unprepared and the sheer panic of people

And politicians are ultimately covering their ass by doing the most drastic measures instead of those that make most rational sense
Kid I was friends with in Elementary had his father die from it yesterday. 60 years old, and not in great health but not in terrible health. Fuck.
Take off the tinfoil.
That's not impossible.
Xi didn’t actually admit that the coronavirus now devastating large swaths of China had escaped from one of the country’s bioresearch labs. But the very next day, evidence emerged suggesting that this is exactly what happened, as the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology released a new directive titled: “Instructions on strengthening biosecurity management in microbiology labs that handle advanced viruses like the novel coronavirus.”

Read that again. It sure sounds like China has a problem keeping dangerous pathogens in test tubes where they belong, doesn’t it? And just how many “microbiology labs” are there in China that handle “advanced viruses like the novel coronavirus”?
damn you are an ignorant motherfucker aren't you? Communism? LMAO. Government cards? LOL.

What the hell are you talking about. Maybe you are confusing us with Venezuela or some other country.

You are stupid as fuck.
according to brazil, argentina is a shithole

Yesterdays numbers.

Italy 600 (a little lower than the previus days)
Spain 539 (big spike , will be the next Italy for the next couple of days).
France 186 (another big spike here will get to Spain numbers soon).
USA 140 (size of the land and population will soften the impact of the numbers but the pace isnot good).

Got to love the people perpetuating this... Rush Limbaugh being one of them.
The article you posted doesn't address what was stated in the article I posted. The article I posted quoted the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology acknowledging that they do contain and study viruses "like" COVID-19 and need to be more careful with them. The article I posted didn't claim that the viruses were genetically engineered (only that they were housed and studied). These of course could be viruses found in nature...
Some idiot listened to Trump and killed himself.
(CNN)A Phoenix-area man is dead and his wife is under critical care after the two took chloroquine phosphate in an apparent attempt to self-medicate for the novel coronavirus, according to hospital system Banner Health.

Chloroquine has been touted by President Donald Trump as a possible treatment for Covid-19, but it's also "an additive commonly used at aquariums to clean fish tanks," Banner Health said in a statement. Chloroquine is approved by the Food and Drug Administration for treating malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. But the FDA has not approved it to treat the coronavirus.

In Nigeria, health officials issued a warning about chloroquine, saying three people in the country have overdosed on the drug after Trump endorsed it as a potential treatment.

It probably did kill the virus though!
Some idiot listened to Trump and killed himself.

It probably did kill the virus though!

I expect someone will end up drinking this stuff. You cant really blame Trump for self medicating.

I heard some guys in Iran died trying to make make their blood 60% alcohol to kill the virus or something like that.

Edit. Drank bootleg alcohol.

"At least 194 people have died and more than 1,000 poisoned since March 6 because they consumed bootleg alcohol, an Iranian official said Saturday.

Ahwaz University of Medical Sciences spokesman Ali Ehsanpour told the country's official news agency IRNA that rumors on social media claiming alcohol could cure the coronavirus plays a big role in the deaths."
Can confirm.
Drunk right now, have no Coronavirus.

I heard some guys in Iran died trying to make make their blood 60% alcohol to kill the virus or something like that.

Edit. Drank bootleg alcohol.

"At least 194 people have died and more than 1,000 poisoned since March 6 because they consumed bootleg alcohol, an Iranian official said Saturday.

Ahwaz University of Medical Sciences spokesman Ali Ehsanpour told the country's official news agency IRNA that rumors on social media claiming alcohol could cure the coronavirus plays a big role in the deaths."
sgain, just to show this is mostly an issue for old and sick people.

here is the story behind the numbers of the 3 dead today in Thailand

1. 70-year-old man who had tuberculosis
2. 45-year-old man who had diabetes
3. 79-year-old man who had health problems

We should just be isolating and quarantining those who are high risk while we get a vaccine to vaccinate them, and the rest of the world needs to keep moving to prevent an even larger catastrophe.
state of emergency is being declared in Thailand from Thursday and will last 1 month.

So the whole "2 week lockdown" is already turning into 6+ weeks
sgain, just to show this is mostly an issue for old and sick people.

here is the story behind the numbers of the 3 dead today in Thailand

1. 70-year-old man who had tuberculosis
2. 45-year-old man who had diabetes
3. 79-year-old man who had health problems

We should just be isolating and quarantining those who are high risk while we get a vaccine to vaccinate them, and the rest of the world needs to keep moving to prevent an even larger catastrophe.

exactly - preventative measures need to be taken like banning crowds and businesses doing anything possible to promote social distancing but the entire fucking world economy can’t stop functioning for this shit

over 3,500 people die a day in car crashes but we do what we can , mitigate the risks and move our society forward

those who might not make it like
you said should stay in quarantine until we can figure this out
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