Cowboy should have committed to that takedown against Conor

The fix was to keep the fight standing, Cerrone probably got a 500k backroom bonus if there were no takedowns in the fight.
No because that would have went against Conors carefully laid out script.
Looks to me that Cowboy tried, but it was stuffed very quickly by Conor.
Cowboy came out with his own hands firmly wrapped around his throat just like he does in every other big fight he's ever been in. He's like a cliche for athletes who choke in the biggest spots.
they're not paying fighters to take dives. it's the one action that could make them lose the entire franchise value and land them in jail.
its impossible to prove a dive. unless one side confesses.
There is nothing Cowboy could have done because when THAT Conor shows up nobody stands a chance
its impossible to prove a dive. unless one side confesses.

how can you guarantee the terms of a dive? how do you get the funds? where do the funds go? how do you guarantee you won't be blackmailed after the fact? how do you know you're counterparty is trustworthy enough to broach the topic? it's certainly not "impossible". it's very hard to broker a dive and guarantee the terms.
Trolling? What on Earth are you talking about? Cowboy's utter destruction came AFTER the thigh strike he didn't see coming and leaned into.
How old are you?

Also, are you in a bad mood? Talking about sending someone to kill me? Trying to get yourself banned are you?

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