Cringeworthy UFC Moments in Pictures

Can't get enough of the KIT

Yeah this right here is the winner. Been watching mma for 15 years and nothing compares to how gut wrenchingly bad this was
Somebody please find the video of team Alpha male's gym where they open a door or whatever and there's a bunch of men in underpants exercising or whatever it was.

Or did I dream that?

I hope you did
This was extremely cringy to me because of Joe's overall condescending tone to a few measly Meek humble workers that happened to spill ice on the Octagon. They probably make less than your average McDonald's worker.

I’ve never been able to watch this... saw a 3 second clip and was out...
I don't blame you.
Honestly, if you didn't know this happened, and someone would've gone up to you and said "Did you see the when Usher teached Anderson Silva about how to take a loss?" you would've been like:
If I'm not mistaken, Silva kissed Weidman twice. Including after the first round of their first fight. To get into his head I guess?

I don't have a clue what that stuff from Romero was about after the fight. I LOVE YOU! Unless to prove he wasn't anti-gay?