International Cuba asks UN for help as food shortages worsen

I don't think the trade embargoes helped in the slightest, but to ignore what communism did to Cuba is being blatantly reckless with limited opinions.

I was born in communist Poland and was lucky enough to immigrate to the US with my family when I was 4 y/o. I had a green card most of my life and finally got my citizenship in 2018.

My parents and relatives really had to live through communism in action though... all I can say is if you try and talk to them about the 'bright shining future' or whatever they'd tar & father you and run you out of town backwards on a donkey.

Every time I hear a young person sing the praises of communism or radical socialism it echoes the LGTB+ community singing chanting 'from the river to the sea' ignorant to the fact that they would not be tolerated there.

It really sucks how uninformed and blindly ideological the opinion is.
Just so we're clear, before Castro Cuba was still under a brutal and definitively racist dictatorship. It was just one that was US-approved as they allowed for austerity (economic exploitation). Batista was an elected President who ran on a populist platform. In 1952 when he was facing certain defeat in that year's election, he invoked a coup and when in power immediately began revoking political liberties, catered to the wealthy class (primarily land owners who grew crops) and widened the wealth gap. After a few years 70% of those land owners were American. To quiet dissent he convened the "Bureu for the Repression of Communist Activities" which had an armed wing that targeted protestors and dissenters.

And as has always been true throughout political History, nothing quite creates far left Communists as efficiently as corporatist authoritarianism.

Batista was deeply unpopular among all sectors of Cubam society and the US actually started the embargo on Cuba when he was in power. Castro lied over and over when asked if he was a communist.

This is similar to the 1979 revolution in Iran, where everyone agreed that the dictator had to go, that doesn't means Iranians wanted to live under a repressive theocracy.

Saying "But Batista..." is the same as saying "But the Shah.,..".
Hard disagree. Cuba exports revolution but China has been horrifically murderous to their own people.

In historical terms yes. Mao's evil is without parallel but modern Cuba and modern China, they are both very repressive but at least China isn't keeping everyone forcefully into poverty as a means of control.
Are there any other countries on Earth Cuba has to trade with? Or are they only able to trade with the us?
He’s a typical leftist racist parroting his white socialist talking points. The only time he interacts with brown people is when he’s looking for a an “authentic” food experience. My brown Nicaraguan ass has been dealing with these kinds my whole life living in suburbia.
The suburbs of Managua?
buncha communists asking for handouts.
We’re supposed to be the western demon from hell all things bad come from the USA. Except financial aid tho then we’re no longer the almighty satan. Ask yourself this question would you accept aid from the most evil place on earth according to the Cuban government themselves.

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