Further proof that it's a meaningless award anyway.

Didn't Obama win one too?
It can't be because of North- Korea.
The whole North Korea meeting and everything that might come after it has nothing whatsoever to do with Trump.
This is only happening because Kim Jun Un is willing to reach out, wich has never happened before.
Trump has nothing to do with it.
If anyone should be nominated it's Kim Jun Un.
Trump deserves it for being the only President ever to not be bullied by Canada.
Those poutine eaters have been bullying America long enough.
They cross our border and infatuate our women.
Meaningless prize.
And the 'daddy' thing is a little weird.
Kissenger won it before, so yeah, it’s not worth much.
Question: why do you call him daddy? Do you have reverse-pedo fantasies about Donald Trump? Is it like glorifying incest? Aren't you all inbred already? Just asking.
no I woud not, for many reasons
didn't vote for Trump, nor any R president ever. clearly not a fan boy (you embarrass yourself badly everytime you say this)
none of the other agreements involved meeting in S. Korea w/ their leadership, period. end of story.

Is it embarrassing that Dennis Rodman is getting more done than Obama/Bush/Clinton/Reagan? yes, yes it is. But it's happening

So you just abase yourself with ridiculous arguments defending Trump for fun? OK.
Further proof that it's a meaningless award anyway.

Didn't Obama win one too?

Lol WTF is wrong with some of you. If someone ends up denuclearizing a mad man and helps improve the lives of 25 Million+ people, they deserve some kind of award, no?

Who are some people who deserve it more?
Trump deserves it for being the only President ever to not be bullied by Canada.
Those poutine eaters have been bullying America long enough.
They cross our border and infatuate our women.

Can always find out a lot about whoever posts that pic, with all the projections and all...
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Lol WTF is wrong with some of you. If someone denuclearizes a mad man and/or helps improve the lives of 25 Million+ people, they deserve some kind of award, no?

Who are some people who deserve it more this year?

Can always find out a lot about whoever posts that pic, with all the projections and all...
So what did you find out?
If your guess is I like long walks on the beach, well you are correct.
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Even if he was Don Jr, calling your dad "daddy" when you're a grown man is gay with a dash of something else...
It's not just gay it's some weird backwards pedo shit imo.
Cringiest. Thread title. Ever
Oh, I didn't know the Trumpsters care about what Norway thinks and does. Every time someone brings up policies that seem to work great over there the right reminds us they don't give a shit about them.

Tribalism is a motherfucker!
He wanted immigrants from there instead of shithole countries...
From a trump supporter, please for the love of god, stop the daddy, god emperor, and all the other cringeworthy shit. Thanks

PS, I hope Trump declines it for extra LULS.

He probably will.

As soon as he is notified that he didn't win, he will rush to twitter to say he just called Mr Nobel and told him he doesn't want his very overrated, failing prize.
“I may be wrong,” Trump said during a news conference after the meeting. “I may stand before you in six months and say, ‘Hey, I was wrong.' I don’t know that I’ll ever admit that, but I’ll find some kind of an excuse."

It really is theater of the absurd at this point.

It would be a funny joke-- if it weren't exactly what is going to happen.

It's like Trump has lost the ability to distinguish between his inner monologue and outer dialogue. As bad as I anticipated his performance as president to be it is magnitudes upon magnitudes worse than I ever, ever imagined.
Former President Obama named himself the judge, jury, and executioner of an American citizen that was unaware of any charges brought against him. By his own admission, Obama was the first President in US history to begin and end his entire Administration while being at War.

Only the power of Obama can cause a right-winger to have sympathy for Muslim terrorists.

Maybe that is the sense in which he earned his Nobel.