Damo Marino's spindly apendages

Have had a couple of shitty little niggles so have had no choice but to ease up on the heroic stuff.
I'm hoping my broken little toe should unfuck itself in around 10 weeks if I tape it up.
My arthritis is great after getting my ankle regularly stretched by the homies, I have pain but I also now have mobility..weird.
My knee still feels a little floaty and I have a couple of knots in my back, I'm seriously considering acupuncture.
Last week we did
  • Ricksons mount escape
  • Suplex defense
  • Jump guard a la coach beard/ wrestling style
  • Jump guard to leg entanglement and straight ankle
  • Jump guard to single leg take down variation
  • Headquarters to single and double knee cut pass
  • Single leg counter to butterfly sweep and guillotine
  • Two variations of back take to arm bar from guard
I skip workout this morning and go to the main man's no gi class
We drill: Step over mount to knee ride from scarf hold switching base and basic kimura of far arm from close side arm crucifix.
Roll for 5*5's with lower rank starting in side control: beginner, purp, purp, silver fox and have a good jam with (physically) strong white belt.
Get subbed by all the colors but also get some good coaching, white gets fed up and uses power to get to straight ankle, a sub is a sub, get good possys and escape him and super dominant possys on beginner, also fucked around going inverted.
Heart wasn't really in it today, stressful weekend and massive earthquakes at home, mind is on the whanau, sall goods I learned some concrete lessons today...jits/life, life/jits
I eat
1)3 bix, 1/5C almonds, 1/5C sultanas, coconut, shots.
2)Mandarin, apple, banana.
3)Pan fried chicken breast and leg with mash, peas, corn and zucchini.
4)Chicken breast, fritz, rocket, mandarin, lemon, olive oil, red onion, tomato, cucumber.
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Weak perc, smooch wifey, bike
Do a stretching routine of hip flexors, thoracic vertabrae trying to open shoulder on roller
Do a few down ups to activate hips
Do lying flat star fished and kick feet to hands to rotate back
Do some neck ext and roll
Hi to the homies and class with coach beard
We do defensive sit out game trying to off balance partner, we do snap down drill then roll for one round.
Tips from coach are: use chest pressure when uke is snapped down, keep framing arm stiff and body light but ready to respond, down sink weight into your lead when you snap down, keep your head up when engaging don't look down, drive with your shoulder.
Go back in mid morn for some light bag work, around half an hour in 40.

I eat

1) Nashi, 2 apples, 3 bix, 1/5C almonds, 1/5C sultanas, coconut, shots.
2) Chicken breast, rocket, mandarin, lemon, olive oil, red onion, tomato, cucumber.
3) Wholegrain and peanut butter.
4) Chicken breast, coriander, bell pepper, salt sauce, chili, honey, white rice, mushroom.

Some study/ things of interest below:

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Hi mate, sucks about the toe. 10 weeks should be plenty of time to heal. I broke my toe and was back to normal in about 6 weeks, just had to go to work in flip flops for a while.
Bike to sister gym and make 12.25km in 40min
Do Gi class with big brown
We drill re-guard from turtle>turtle be adjacent to up man who is kneeling>near side shin across up mans thighs> granby over near side shoulder to invert>come back to closed guard.
We drill smash pass vs re-guard from turtle>up man traps turtles other leg at thigh with knee>dive other shoulder under turtles near side leg/thigh>get strong cross face with other arm>drive shoulder hard to flatten down man's hips>butt flop>switch hips>passed.
We play man on back escape or sub for a couple of rounds.
We roll for 6*5's.
Blue and purp were light as a feather and outclassed me with ease, defended, looked for flower sweep, framed and took triangle escape lesson from Lion: Drive shoulder of trapped arm to the mat> look behind you> walk feet toward uke's head in opposite direction> reach up with free hand and flatten uke's legs down.
Shake hands and share lols, share oss vibration with Lion, thank big brown, remind him of ibjjf rules on my way out the door.

Work was shit balls and I ate crap ;)


Stefans shoulder stretch.
6 down ladder of pulls rolling upper back and sitting into hips in 'rests'.
Shake hands with peeps.
Class w coach beard:
We pummel to drive partner to wall, 'houdini' to floor then double, play ride turtle to choke: jockey stays hips slightly above turtles> one hand hooks a thigh the other pulls the opposite shoulder> use this side hand to creep in and choke.
Roll 1 round with partner> good dude is a beginner and asks a lot> I dont mind attempting an answer as it helps me revise but old schoolers would not approve.
I zigged when I should have zagged and fucked my neck.

Come back in mid morn and do 5*5 of deads: 1*10@75, 5*5@80, 1*2@110, 3*2@100
Do 2 relaxed rope climbs and a few pulls.

Work is fucked and diet is fucked, eat a big meal at the end of the day and hope it's enough to fuel Gi class on Friday.


Kiss fam bye de bye and bike in slow
One of the Mrs GF's has offered me his 3 gear hipster mobile for free....watchu wan? will take him up on the offer though.

Red bull.

Main man takes Gi class, we do regular warm up and then drill
Main man takes us through curriculum arm bar from last Friday:
Full guard> uke has grip> break with sleeve grip kimura and drag across> pat down and away at an angle> opposite hand keeps grip and stiff arm> hip out in opposite direction and come up onto free hand> uke's back should be exposed> (*) free hand across uke's back to grip gi under arm pit> same side leg loops around uke> plant foot on mat>under arm pit grip reaches through to loop other arm> pick foot off mat and drive shin into back of uke's neck> free hand gets pants grips> granby and sweep using own looped leg> scissor legs over and finish straight arm bar...

2nd option (*) > free hand loops under to grasp near side lapel> other hand takes near side pants grip> roll back to near side for bow and arrow.
Bow and arrow defense is to fight choke hand then loop this arm over your own head> if uke does this switch to straight arm bar.

Roll with big purp partner who teaches me as he goes, blue homie, white belt homie, new white, Auckland, blue who's new to the club.
Big purp encouraged me to fight grips, dude was taking it easy on me and I'm glad for it as he could have crushed my lungs.
Had a scrambly roll with blue homie and tried butt flop passes on white belt homie, just framed new white and then smashed pass for mount, got the cheeky straight ankle against blue and then defended the choke, Auckland tried some new subs, I tried not to be to awkward or use any strength and just adjust when the tension shifted.

Asked homie to help me with hitch hiker escapes, also tried Roberto Abreu's inverted triangle to hamstring stretch combo using combination of back take to arm bar from today and inverted triangle from a couple of weeks back at sister gym, felt super tight in the gi, don't think it would in the lycra.

I also fucked up....I fucked up big time...The shark asked me if I wanted to roll and I already had one locked in......dummy....need to watch my etiquette.

95 min rolling this week
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Last week we did
  • Step over mount to knee ride from scarf hold switching base and basic kimura of far arm from close side arm crucifix.
  • Snap down.
  • Smash pass vs re-guard from turtle>up man traps turtles other leg at thigh with knee>dive other shoulder under turtles near side leg/thigh>get strong cross face with other arm>drive shoulder hard to flatten down man's hips>butt flop>switch hips>passed.
  • 'Houdini' to floor then double.
  • Ride turtle to choke: jockey stays hips slightly above turtles> one hand hooks a thigh the other pulls the opposite shoulder> use this side hand to creep in and choke.
  • Curriculum arm bar and 2nd option> free hand loops under to grasp near side lapel> other hand takes near side pants grip> roll back to near side for bow and arrow.
    Bow and arrow defense is to fight choke hand then loop this arm over your own head> if uke does this switch to straight arm bar.

Bike then a red bull.

Do some harder bag rounds, fitness is out the arse but I do ok all things considering, throw most things I know then do a few pulls at the end. Big homie asked me if I'm tired, it took me a second to realise no, will have to pull finger next week (or this week).
Was quite enjoyable getting to a point where I had to bark when I throw a whip, also threw a few skip knees.
A session on the bag or rower or doing my old condit will cross over well into harder rounds on the mat.
I work for 70min in 85min.

Shots then mid morn I eat some fruit and head off to the main man's No Gi class.
Shake hands and oss all round.
We do high guard drill for three subs from short arm drag, bottom man attacking, arm drag is opposite side hand to wrist> same side hand to tricep> drag so their arm is across your chest and hand is trapped to floor.
1) Cross other arm in font of uke's face> hip back to square up> sit same side hamstring as trapped arm across that shoulder> get other leg high as well> squeeze knees> arm bar trapped arm.
2) Switch hips staying tight> reach across to uke's 'free' arm and trap at elbow> hip up to high guard and squeeze knees again> arm bar this arm.
3) Use all steps as option 1> reach same side arm as uke's trapped arm behind them to their far armpit> slide other arm under uke's far side thigh> flower sweep to come to straight arm bar.

Roll for 5*5's

Partner> herky jerky guy, think I'll avoid for a couple of weeks as he's a little clumsy.
Blue> dude was super fast, just defended for a round with no subs.
New> stayed in bad positions and worked out.
Same level white> got to good sub positions and also got a stalled out sub on me.
Purp> defended for a round with no subs> dude let me play and create space.

Schedule will have to change coming into new job, I intend to do at least 1 lifting session, 2 Gi classes, 2 no gi classes, 2 conditioning sessions per week with at least one class with the lunch time crew and one class with the sister gym to keep things fresh and learn new, unusual and different shiznit.

Today I eat
Caffiene, pear, 2 apples, liter water.
Silverside, carrots, mash, orange.
Sugar water.
Tagliatelle, beef, tomato, olive oil, garlic, onion.
Strawberries, watermelon, banana, yogurt, kiwi.
A few liters of water, 38 degrees today and got dehydrated.
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Stormy day.

Do part of Stefans hip opening drill, should do this type of warm up on Jits days and wrestling drills on coach beard days.
Only had the one 45 minute gym session with coach beard today, coach beards classes are more akin to drilling classes so moving forward I'll get as many reps in as possible.
We do snap down drills : Foot of rear leg up> even weight distribution> suck head back into shoulders> eyes always up and forward looking past uke> false grip single all the way to ear on other side of head> snap that shit> drive same side shoulder down> turn snap down into chin control> when uke turtles drag their other side hand> get that side arm pit control> walk feet around in opposite direction to get to back.
If down man is turtle suck yourself in and escape out the back, a wrestling turtle stays up on all fours, we play to get shoulder pressure and improve position.
Then roll for 2*3's, also had one long cruisey roll with white belt homie.

I eat
2 bananas, apple, shots, water.
Tagliatelle, beef, tomato, olive oil, garlic, onion.
3 bix, 1/5C sultanas.
Milk skulls.
Grilled corn, shallow fried chicken breast, fritz, rocket, spinach, pepper, chilli, feta, cucumber, red onion, toms.
Milk skulls.
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Perc, cuddle, bike

Skipped sister gym and attempted to reboot conditioning
Row for 5, Skip for 5, hip up to triangle and chat for 5
1min sprawl, 1min sit up, 1min down up*4 with 1min rests
Row for 5, move on bag in relaxed manner, practice suplex in relaxed manner, practice back arch in relaxed manner
Stretch hips for 5, lymph drain for 5

I've read that surrendering positional hierarchy and clamming up to avoid a submission shows a lack of confidence.....

Lunch class with main man:
We drill smash de la riva to options:
Top man: outside pants grip of de la riva hook> inside pants grip of other leg> drive in direction of that leg> point toe of that side leg in that direction and inch across> smash guard down and simultaneously kick this foot up, out and back...
1) Continue to kick back> base out and switch hips for side control
2) Drive other knee between uke's thighs to the floor simultaneously leg dragging the second leg> switch first grip to same side collar> step own other leg over> change 'knee' leg to near side of uke> you should have them mounted
3) Drive other knee between uke's thighs to the floor simultaneously leg dragging the second leg> switch first grip to same side collar> step own other leg over> get near side underhook> pull uke's lapel out with near side hand and feed behind ukes back to other hand> twist lapel keeping thumb up to drive into carotid> suck uke into you...
Step the leg on this side over ukes face for choke.
Dive near side hand into lapel for cross collar.
Pass shin in front of uke's throat for mounted gogo.

Roll with partner, white, blue, blue, white 5*5min
Partner used the old man flattening on me.
Had play fights with white's and lighter blue.
Blue my height subbed me when I waited.

My kai
2 bananas, apple, shots.
3 bix, 1/5C almonds, 1/5C sultanas, liter of milk, shots.
Liter of braundo, liter of water.
Meat pie, sausage roll, chocolate bar.
Peanut butter and whole grain.
Beef balls, chili, garlic, tomato, capsicum, tagliatelle, olive.
Liter of milk.
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Coffee and get the boy up, bike in.
Mrs gave me a deep tissue last night, thought I had knots but its more than likely a pinched nerve as it was agony.
I have to stop every so often on the way in to the gym to try and swing the inflammation out of my shoulder.
My elbow in the same arm is fairly tender too, a couple of late releases of the straight arm bar too many.

Class with coach beard

Super brief roll with wrestler homie, fairly stagnant.
We drill pressure and move with the turtle, turtle tries to stand or come to guard.
Then we drill the high elbow guillotine: get one hand chin grip> drive hip into other side of head> scoop under other arm> drive into uke pressuring their rear into the mat> lift uke and get choke grips, use ridge of chin strap hand> lift opposite elbow to ceiling turning torso in the same direction> pull uke to mat and drape guard leg of side of high elbow across their shoulders.
We then do a couple of minutes of freestyle rolling.
I also have a longer roll with wrestler homie, we scramble a little more every day as my confidence grows.
Cool down a little and my neck and shoulder feel like ughhhhhhh, need some tylanol.

2 bananas, apple, 3 bix, 1/5C almonds, 1/5C sultanas, liter of milk, shots.
Beef balls, chili, garlic, tomato, capsicum, tagliatelle, olive.
Chicken breast, chili, feta, corn.
Peanut butter wholegrain.
Chicken breast, Parmesan, rocket, frits, red onion, toms.
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Got some drugs with the suffix dein, not really that keen on pills, prefer to let my bod heal on it's own but I had the best nights sleep last night in a long time, taking anti-inflams during the day, all of my owchys are calm calm calm.

Did 3*8*20 DB rows to warm elbows and upper back, prep myself for some pulling action in the main mans Gi class:
We drill feet on hips sweep> uke sits up> take grip of opposite side collar> sit to S type mount taking arm bar grips with free hand> place far shin behind uke's head> switch collar grip to arm and arm grip to pants> granby and sweep to arm bar.
The other drill was reverse sweep> uke resists so point toes inward and take double sleeve grips> push away with grips and toes> when they resist again roll backward and kick both feet away hard to come to mount.
Roll for 6*5's
Waitch belt homie: similar scrambles to how we usually roll with no subs.
Blue homie: he got 1 hard fought triangle, I used fairly viscous collar grips and posture breaking.
White: played with high guard and finally took opportunity to do first cross collar from inside guard, as previous partner.
White: played with high guard and tried to get out of bad position, sweep and come to dominant position.
Auckland: got subbed twyyyy, got a nice sweep, used frames and hooks more effectively.
Hanuman: really just watched in confusion and tried not to get swept, he keeps us moving and I try to reciprocate.

Come back in a couple of hours later to do deads, mma dude works in on my 5's, gave me a good sense of urgency, didnt have time to do any assistance work, I count the bar..why wouldn't I?
65*8*3, 85*5*5, 105*3*2, 115*1*3

Peeps are edgy as fuck around me, I should show my teeth more.
Might do some pressups to keep shoulder mobile.

2 bulls, 3 bix, 1/4C almonds, liter milk.
Sugar water.
Chicken breast, Parmesan, rocket, frits, red onion, toms.
Beef balls, chili, garlic, tomato, capsicum, tagliatelle, olive.
Will have at least two more meals when I get home......protein and carb loading like a lifter this weekend.
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Feels from the week
What niggles? Left ankle, left toe, right shoulder, entire right arm.
Whats not so bad now? Right knee, neck, lower back.
Drugs are helping me sleep, yoga is helping positions.
What did we do last week? lots:
  • High guard with three subs
  • Snap down
  • Smash de la riva
  • Pressure and move with the turtle
  • Feet on hips sweep
3 no gi classes, 2 gi classes, 1 lifting session, 1 bag session, 1 condit session.
Rounded down 100 Minutes rolling including pre and post class scrambles.
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Up early today, had ideas of doing Gi at sister gym but went to cbd instead

Skipped and moved around to loosen up.
Did 1 round of 20 sprawls then 10 movements of knee on belly.
Did sprawls and crunches: 8 down of each, kept high state of urgency.
Did 2 rounds of bag toss.
Had a jam with wrestler homie, doing no gi class at lunch has made me realize how rigid our rolls are, they're rough and tumble but I can always get that+ technique from higher belts in lunch class.

Dunno man....dunno...

Did some sets of pulls, was quite fun.
Then watched pro fighter doing pad rounds, he's winding down his camp for a belt so very cautious and game plan focused, good energy to be around.

Bowled back in for lunch class, say hi to all the peep holes.
Main man no gi
We drill entry to single X, sweep and straight ankle:
Be shin on shin> take ankle/ foot grips/ hook> lean inside> outside leg kicks up and out and settles in outside hook> inside leg drives to inside thigh> lift/ push and pull to sweep keeping foot> drive non hook foot into back of uke's thigh to block> drive arm deep into sub control closing all space> turn over onto side inching wrist into best position to finish> lean near side shoulder to floor pulling elbow to ribs> drive hips forward to CRUSH.
Then we roll 5*5's and 1*3
Partner was blue: took a while to warm up switching mindset from this morning- be more respectful and don't get sqwoze, they all goods, just want me to learn so my ears stay open and I keep the cheek to myself.
Next was blue, I ask for playfull and he lets me move around.
Then white, he gets a sub and I stack a bajillion points, the sub was prolly better, I used the opportunity to practice threatening the sub to help pass.
Then mma guy, he seems a little lost without punches and bows, he also has a gnarly cauliflower so we go easy.
Then homie blue, we have a really good play.
Last but not least I roll with older blue wearing gi trousers, I use grips and play leg entanglement until the inevitable pass.

I feel calmer but I still need to focus on my framing and moving to prevent the pass.
I attempt sweeps using butterfly and x hooks, I need more control when I come up.

Today I have a lot of caffeine.
Wheat, almonds, sultanas, banana, liter milk.
Pumpkin, potato, white rice, cumin, chicken, stock, coconut, zucchini, skull milk.
White rice, flat bread, chicken, mango, rocket, red onion, tomato.
Skull milk.
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Broken sleep.
Did coach beards no gi class
We drill similar single x movement to yesterday, prior to class I have a roll with the lion, I think he's a bit sore, he showed me a gambit to pass: be in full guard> offer flower sweep> keep posture and arms free> as uke sweeps pendulum torso toward their feet to rotate on top> come to side or back control.
Also did main mans gi class

We drill smash single X/ reguard: do leg drag pass from previous class> Uke re guards> release and swap grips> smash legs directly down and place own both knees on floor> get near side underhook to flatten uke>come to mount> as per previous class...
pull uke's lapel out with near side hand and feed behind ukes back to other hand> twist lapel keeping thumb up to drive into carotid> suck uke into you...
Step the leg on this side over ukes face for choke.
Dive near side hand into lapel for cross collar.
23 min rolling:
Partner who is lighter blue: Survived, escaped and got to back in the last 30sec.
New white: Practiced spider, need to sweep next time.
Big purp: he has similar game to tree, I stupidly let him get his preferred grips, he gave me space to breath, dude also injured.
Young fast white: Dude played the fiddle on me, no subs but he got to a heap of good positions, I chilled and watched.
Heavier white my age: Dude not sure what to do with the spider, he used simple pass and got to good side control.
Main man speaks on no gi adcc type comp..........
I eat
Wheat, banana, sultana, coconut, almonds, milk, shots, apple.
Sugar water.
White rice, flat bread, chicken, mango, rocket, red onion, tomato, cucumber, bell pepper.
Skull milk.
White rice, mushrooms, tomato, red onion, chicken, milk, water.
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Hey milk man, essentially its the same job I'm doing now, I'll be a dogs body/ facilities looker afterer
Same company, looking after less people with more $
Thats what we all want right?
Where are you anyway?
Bowl down to sister gym
We drill sweep from closed guard: uke postures up with inside grips advantage> take grips at outside of triceps and pull toward you turning uke's elbows out> dive one arm under hooking through the gap> drape other arm across uke's shoulders and keep posture broken> suck uke's under-hooked arm into your ear> place that side foot on uke's hip to create space> make knee shield with other leg> sweep to side of trapped arm> if uke frames against you with that arm return the favor with the same side arm> reach across and take grips at the shoulder of the other arm> switch hips and arm bar.
We then do situational drilling from open guard for 10(?), person who gets sub or pass stays in.

Then we roll for 3min rounds.
Tree smashes me, I'm able to create a little more space, need to focus on not letting him pass, we didn't wait for timer so this might have been a 5.
White belt homie who is super aggressive, no strength just aggressive, was really fun.
2 beginners, I rest and offer pointers for posture.
The best purp for 4, he does what he wants, I try and watch, he uses spider to disrupt base and push me to one side, he isolates an arm and throw up a triangle, leg weave to pass and gets hard up in my back to prevent movement.
Overall roll for 15.

Go to CBD for tin chuck:
65*8*3, 85*5*5, 105*3*2, 115*1*2 - 1 more week and I'll add another 10 to all
3*8*25 DB row e arm
Dead hang from bar to decompress
Tree shows up to do gi class
He advises to focus on one goal when rolling ie practice being in one position, do one sweep, do one sub etc

I eat

Wheat, banana, sultana, coconut, almonds, milk, shots, apple.
Skull milk.
White rice, mushrooms, tomato, red onion, chicken, milk, water.
Banana, apple, coconut, potato, whole grain, peanut butter, cheddar.
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Up late, pills made me sleep like a bebe.
No Gi Class with coach beard.
Do some classic jits drills to warm up and test balance then we drill ashe garami to straight ankle lock.
Get more deets on the lock, coach prefers to control further up the leg and work down to the Achilles and toes
Do some loose rolling with white belt homie at the end, also drill short arm drag with other homie.
No Gi Do lunch time death squad class with main man.
We drill hip toss/ uchi mata> uke crescent kicks over sweeping leg to avoid being tossed> keep arm control and turn into them drawing them to you for head lock> finish with preferred sub ie high elbow guillotine.
We drill single X, sweep and straight ankle again, feels a little smoother, especially after this morning
Roll with partner: his straight ankle goes on super quick, I fight the right hook but dont sit over fast enough, focus on attempting to pass low.
Beginner: Focus on high guard and arm crush positions, do a couple of scissors, my flower isn't fast enough.
Blue: I do sweep we drill, he corrects his approach to the roll and passes guard to kimura, also stretches my ankle at will, my reguard and frames need practice, practice, practice.
Purp: He let me move a little, I was a little stiff on this one and zoned out, shouldn't have had the rest.
25 Min rolling today, overall I'm getting a little more sub tolerance and moving in the correct direction to defend, I still allow partners to settle in positions that are too advantageous, will need to snap out of that shit quick.

Some are of the opinion that martial arts intensifies your character, I need to focus on bringing my calm to the fore and not be overindulgent in attempting to be creative, fundamentals, fundamentals, fundamentals...
I've been deferring to a fucked up little gift wrap, I use a monkey grip on the wrist and meat of the palm of partner with not a lot of strength but it's a bit of a bully move, I'll try using hooks instead...

Shots, apple juice, peanut butter on wheat, 3 boiled eggs, milk.
Chicken, rocket, apple, potato, red onion, cucumber, tomato, milk, water.
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Hey milk man, essentially its the same job I'm doing now, I'll be a dogs body/ facilities looker afterer
Same company, looking after less people with more $
Thats what we all want right?
Where are you anyway?

Sounds good to me mate, hope it all works out. I work in London, and live about 40 miles south-west of London.
A little achy again today, bike in then give them hips a stretch on the roller
Do main mans Gi class:
We drill arm bar from mount and switch to triangle:
Uke posts hands on your chest> you have one hand inside and one outside> switch hips securing grips of one arm> dive one arm through and secure own collar> sit on shoulder in S mount> lean to side toward uke's hips and step leg closer to their head over> pinch knees and sit back for bar...

Reach across deep into uke's collar for throttle> uke makes space with hand on wrist> push this arm across with shoulder> get your hips behind this shoulder before coming to S mount and completing bar> if uke defends by clasping own arm drive foot closer to their belly into the bicep> if you see space you can drive this foot between the loop their arms create> loosen leg which pins their head to let them sit up> triangle this leg over ankle of other as they attempt to come to your guard> the other option is to continue with arm bar as they sit up...

Partner blue: he uses bullfighter, I attempt to counter with spider but miss a grip.
Beginner: he's a little more aggressive than last time which is good but still overreaches .
White: dude is a little heavier and not shy of using it ie dropping weight knee first fuck you but gasses quick, I think my speed can kill this type of player, speed and fundamentals.
Blue: homie also more aggressive than last time, still let him, partner and white settle in, I use the single collar frame but burn out my grip, need to swap and even switch hips to other side to angle out and back in to attack.

When the timing on this is locked it feels so sweeeeeet.

20min rolling
all up, then have a mellow one practicing triangles with white belt homie.

This week I do 2 Gi classes w main man and 2 No Gi
2 No Gi classes with coach beard
1 Gi class at sister gym
1 condit session
1 lifting session

111 proper rolling minutes this week
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