Dana White releases Pauli KD vid

Paulie said the push was close to rpund 7 I think, which he claims was Conor's worst round and then got frustrated.

He doesn't remember lol

I honestly do believe it was in the last two rounds. I can't imagine Paulie taking more rounds of this and surviving.
Boxing purists are too stuck in the entrenched dogma and orthodoxy of what skilled boxing looks like to see the reality of the situation - McGregor is a special talent, one who has the ability to compete with boxing's best using a unique style that is totally foreign to typical boxing fundamentals.

This is why they think he looks "slow" and "amateurish". The truth is that he is neither of those things, but he also doesn't punch like a typical boxer. His striking is extremely accurate, fast, and powerful. It just doesn't look like typical striking.

Ppl also get stuck up on his output. Conor was never a volume puncher so I don't see why he'd change into one for Floyd. Sure he'd have to punch more to set up his shots but ppl wanna shit on him because he's not hitting a zero resistance (weight wise) double end bag like crazy.
Video means nothing, he landed some good shots and put the guy down.

I highly doubt the UFC Photographer would have posted "the most intense sparring session I've ever been apart of" if it was just a one sided beatdown.

Kinda petty doing this to Paulie, release it all or don't release anything.

Petty when the guy is running his mouth on 100 interviews saying he got pushed when he clearly didn't? Conor didn't even release the fucking photo, and he told the guy that did to delete and it was within hours. If Paulie wasn't concussed right now, then he's definitely a rat!
Could you imagine if Conor beat Floyd and then fought the winner of Canelo/GGG. That would be fucking amazing. All dem belts!

Conor would be KO'd stiff by either of those two. Please
I don't see Paulie as a liar, i see him as delusional. He probably really believes he wasn't knocked down.

Anyway, Paulie looks slow and sloppy in those videos, which is not a shocker given that he has been out of his prime for a good amount of years now and isn't in fight shape. Still, they should just show the entire sparring.
I like Conor, a lot, but when did you become full blown Conor nuthugger? You used to be a pretty good poster but lately all I see is you swinging from his nuts lately [no offense]

Tbf, he looked really good in the video and I'm pulling for him to win, but you are in every thread just salivating every chance you get, it's almost disturbing.
Something something nexus.

Petty when the guy is running his mouth on 100 interviews saying he got pushed when he clearly didn't? Conor didn't even release the fucking photo, and he told the guy that did to delete and it was within hours. If Paulie wasn't concussed right now, then he's definitely a rat!

Quit getting butt hurt over sparring drama, it's not real.

There's a reason Dana released it, he's got an agenda
He showed all he needed to SHOW

Remember this started from the knock down picture, Paulie saying it was a push

So all they needed to show was the knock down

No reason now to show the whole 12 rounds

Case closed!
they should atleast show a full round
How am i full of shit? its selected footage just like i expected and conor looked great in it. doesnt tell the full story. Conor did look a little better than i expected him though just like i said in my last post. Doesnt mean he has any more of a chance against floyd though.

Paulie said it that Conor's camp is free to post whatever. When have you ever seen a fighter put out promotional material of them sucking/struggling? That's marketing suicide FFS. The whole point of these vids/pics is to excite ppl into thinking Conor ACTUALLY has a chance.
He was pushing the back of his head tough, would that be knockdown on a real fight? Probably yes, depends on the ref I guess. The shot on the second video was brutal, the knockdown not so much IMO.

He was already falling down. and no ref is going to call grabbing a guys neck to lead into an uppercut "a push down". Thats absolutely ludicrous. It was a nice combination. Not a KO shot, but the type of stuff that can put Floyd on his ass.
LMAO Paule fucked up by lying. It's clearly a knockdown.
He's Tweeting like a mad man. Damage control in full effect.

Lol, Conor did nothing that would make a grown man fall over like that.

He agreed to spar with filming from Conor's camp so I don't understand why he's complaining now? Definitely disrespectful to show sparring footage like that but Paulie is only making it worse.
I am not afraid to admit I was wrong. The Pauli KD looks legit, not a shove.

Bonus clip.

Quit getting butt hurt over sparring drama, it's not real.

There's a reason Dana released it, he's got an agenda

Its the perfect timing. Just after an open workout where plenty of people where saying he didnt look good.
Do i think it was atrocious? nah, do I think it was high level? nope.

Conor isn't a complete amateur, nor is he a top level boxer like Floyd or Manny or Canelo etc.

Does that mean he automatically loses? No, it's a fight. All it takes is 1 punch and anyone can be KO'd. Conor has KO power. But, that's about his only hope in this fight. To land that 1 punch and pray to god that it lands clean enough to put Floyd to sleep.

If anyone actually thinks in a 12 round boxing match that he is going to outbox Floyd, they're simply braindead or have Conor's balls banging their chins while his cock is inside their mouths because that is not going to happen. Just look at all the videos ever. He has a punchers chance and that is it.

Whether he lands or not is the question.

Well said. Conor doesn't seem neither as good or as bad as people claim. He is certainly not clueless in his boxing and has enough skills to compete against professional boxers. But he also doesn't look like an elite boxer. Landing punches on Paulie means absolutely nothing at this point. Just like someone beating BJ Penn means very little at this point.