Dawn of a True Space Age with millions in space by the 2040s

clearly a ripoff of this classic:

Dawn of the planet of the apes, more like. We're off to a good start, we elected one as our leader
Doesn't the radiation really mess with you? Like 15 days is the longest stay for a reason.
Just tell me are we close to an FTL engine? If not, no thanks to sleeping in space for a few years just to colonize one of the asteroids.
I couldn’t listen to that guy
Doesn't the radiation really mess with you? Like 15 days is the longest stay for a reason.

Well you can stay much longer. Longest so far was at least a full year. Just checked, 437 days. They sent a guy who had a twin back on earth and after he came back their DNA was slightly different. So that is a concern. But we will figure it out.
People in the 1950s thought people in the year 2000 would have flying cars. It's a pattern I see a lot that people always assume that progress is a lot faster than it is. We'll be lucky if self-driving cars are even somewhat mainstream in 2040. There ain't no space civilization happening in 20 years.

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