Social Dealing with hemorrhoids?

Have you ever had hemorrhoids?

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Just do handstands surely.. Let Gravity push the grapes back into ye brain.

Rod never had buttaroidz
Once... was a real pain in the ass but disappeared within a couple of weeks thankfully.
Yes. It was like a bunch of grapes hanging from my asshole. I tied a string tightly around them at the base. They eventually turned black and fell off.

I'm scared of doing that myself. I know the hospitals tie an elastic around them so they whither and fall off.

For real? I thought I was making that up.


I thought so too but apparently there is a treatment where they do something similar.
I've had them really bad for years in my early 20s. Caused from abusing opiates which make you constipated.

I had surgery to remove them. Two of em. The recovery from the surgery was pretty rough.. but that was like 10 years ago and it hasn't given me any problems since. I remember those days of fearing going to the bathroom because it was so painful everytime, and having to sit in the bathtub after taking a shit. If it's that bad just do the surgery it's worth it to get rid of them.
I've had them really bad for years in my early 20s. Caused from abusing opiates which make you constipated.

I had surgery to remove them. Two of em. The recovery from the surgery was pretty rough.. but that was like 10 years ago and it hasn't given me any problems since. I remember those days of fearing going to the bathroom because it was so painful everytime, and having to sit in the bathtub after taking a shit. If it's that bad just do the surgery it's worth it to get rid of them.

I'm hoping they go away on their own. Seriously scares the hell out of me. Also I heard they put you to sleep for that.
Go see a pelvic floor physio who can start unlocking your holding patterns and retraining. A therapist would be cool too if anxiety contributes to it.
I'm hoping they go away on their own. Seriously scares the hell out of me. Also I heard they put you to sleep for that.
I feel you. I went under for that surgery.

I felt the same way, but eventually the pain got so bad I couldn't handle it anymore. I remember I went like days just in constant pain and I knew I had to do something. I lived with them for years.
I got them recently and they are the most painful thing I had in years. Most are embarrassed to talk about them, but it's important. Can't be left untreated if it's chronic. Have you ever had them? What did you do?

You get them from: Standing too long, sitting too long, toilet too long, forcing too much, heavy weights like squats, etc. ALL humans will get them at least once in their lifetime. They will come.

Cure: surgery. Rubber band treatment, no spicy food, no milk, no meat.

Pure torture.
I've never really had a confirmed case. I suspect I may have had a mild case at one point or another. Since cleaning up my diet and exercise protocol, stuff like that isn't really an issue. And I've tried to have a relatively high fiber diet for years.
Don't worry, they'll come soon or later.
Not entirely sure how I feel about this. I'm in my early 40s and not sure if I've ever felt better. My calf muscles aren't quite as big as they were when I was younger. I'm doing squats and calf raises, etc. to get them back. I don't have the speed and explosiveness I once did, but I feel like I'm getting it back more and more.

You spend time, money and energy on things and you get results. Sure there are things you can't control. Genetics, etc. I'm never gonna be a 6'9" ectomorph or a 6'4" pure mesomorph. But I'm a 6'0" endo-mesomorph who feels great for his age and body type. :)

I suppose I can't guarantee that I'll never get hemorrhoids or get them again, but I feel like it's not mere coincidence that I haven't had that issue or related issues in quite some time. It's because I'm doing the right things and am on the right track...

Good luck, brother...

Metamucil or any psytlium husk fiber product works wonders. It bulks up and softens stools. Clean up your diet. Water and alot of veggies helps. Exercise to go more often so you're not constipated. Use witch hazel wipes. I use a squatty potty and it helps alot, it just eases out haha. Creams and ice packs also help.
Hemorrhoids are no joke. The pain can be excruciating if u end up constipated and try to shit....
Biggest thing is your diet. I still get flare ups now and then if my diet falls off.
Hemorrhoids aren't a random act of god. For most people it likely comes from eating a 100% industrial food diet like grown up 6-year-olds. That food doesn't contain any nutrition or fibre. It's a wonder some of you are even alive, really, considering what you eat. People in the US and Canada also typically don't eat any form of probiotic from food. No sauerkraut, no miso, no kefir. You're missing out on a lot of health benefits from those foods. For some others, it's because they're browsing their phone for 45 minutes on the toilet like weirdos, or have poor habits in the first place like going to the toilet when the poop isn't ready and sitting there for 30 mins trying to force it out - also relates to point 1 of not eating enough fiber from real food. I doubt you can eliminate the risk 100%, but you can definitely mitigate it and most people aren't.

short term, if they arent bleeding, ibuprofen will shrink em til they go back in the cave
u dont wanna take that stuff more than maybe 2x a week, with food
sugar is bad, milk is bad, healthy diet is good, being fully hydrated is important
if they pop out after takin a crap, u can push em back in with tp