Deconstructing MMA Myths... [Part 23] - Cross-Trainin´ in MMA´s 'Dark Ages'...

I always heard the Gracies intentionally did not invite these guys to compete in early UFCs, but I just thought it was Gracie haters. It’s pretty obvious that some of these guys would have pushed Royce’s shit in.

Shamrock didn't, nor Minoki Ichihara. And Funaki didnt against oldman Rickson, that is who the Gracies would have called anyway if someone was too good for Royce.
While UFC was still promoting "style vs style" one dimensional fighters in the 1990's, these other countries already had an established sport in place where cross training and well roundedness was paramount.

To be fair, the UFC was promoting what the Gracies wanted, and it was style vs. style to sell their own (Back Mount Taking Submission) Wrestling. And it worked. As for the other scenes, I don't know the Russian one, but the Japanese one was definitely after the Brazilian one and was affected by it.

And while the well roundedness was indeed ... something, nothing take from my mind the japanese catch wrestler that received the Back Mount on a silver plate from a Kickboxer (dont remember if Dutch or American) and didnt took it and lost for it. This was in some Vale Tudo Japan, i think the wrestler was even a important guy. Or the guys that didnt know how to pass a guard. Etc.

They could kick, punch, takedown and armbar, aye, but there was definitely USA fighters that could do those too, the Gracies just didnt called them, because UFC wasnt about it, otherwise they could just put a bunch of brazilian Vale Tudo guys in it anyway.
While Coragus fought with weapons and full armour, Dioxippus showed up armed only with a club and defeated Coragus without killing him, making use of his pankration skills

Badass af lol Surprised I never heard of it.

was a boxing heavy weight champion. He was 4th dan in judo, and a capoeira champion as well

Needless to say, Waldemar was not a boxing champion. Capoeira champions do not exist. In no worthy form that should be taken into account at least. I heard that nowadays Redbull sponsors Capoeira competitions, would not give any importance (with all due respect) to someone who said he is a champion however. But who knows, maybe Waldemar won something important for the time. According to historian Elton Silva, Helio Gracie himself won fights against Capoeira in the rules of Capoeiragem, I wouldn't call him a champion because of that tho. As for Elton Silva, his work is great, despite disagreeing with some of his opinions and personal views, his work is based on historical evidence and is great.