Define what being a "Leftist" is

Is a Leftist different from a Liberal?

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See, and I tend to think of those on the left who defy reality as leftists. As in -

Islam is a religion of peace types.
There is no genetic difference between the two sexes types.
Everyone who disagrees with me is an "ist" types.
The nutters who think stifling open discourse is beneficial types.

@Jack V Savage and I spent a little time trying to define terms to use for the far left folks but didn't come to a consensus, except to agree that there is an illiberal element in the left. How numerous or influential those people are is still up for debate though.

Wow. This is really serious. You and jack are changing the discourse for the better. We need to point out the hidden illiberal once and for all.
Wow. This is really serious. You and jack are changing the discourse for the better. We need to point out the hidden illiberal once and for all.
This reads like one of my smartass posts laced with a bit of seriousness. I don't know what to make of it. Lol.
How do you define the term "Leftist"?

Someone who is the opposite of 'Right'. :)
Someone who uses their left hand to write?
Someone who drives on the left lane like in the U.K. and Australia?
Someone who kicks a ball with their left foot?
This reads like one of my smartass posts laced with a bit of seriousness. I don't know what to make of it. Lol.

Well I'm not one to be a smartass. I was just pounting out your good dead.
Someone who is the opposite of 'Right'. :)
Someone who uses their left hand to write?
Someone who drives on the left lane like in the U.K. and Australia?
Someone who kicks a ball with their left foot?

Yeah no, I know a guy who kicks a ball with his left foot and he's a big republican supporter. Try to stay on topic.
A leftist will not talk back to any of the agenda of any group that claims victim status, no matter. They do not stray from any of the new dogma coming from those to the left side of their party, but when made uncomfortable with some of their wrongness, they just defer and pretend it's stupid to pay attention.

It's a large % of "liberals" right now.
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This is the difference.

I'll throw in what I wrote in the other thread.

If there's a boundary between the two its likely the advocacy for cultural marxism. Having a safety net for society is a secular liberal idea, while vomiting shit about white privilege, or conflating male and female equality with also being identical is something a leftist would hold.

This, and I would add leftists are in favor of removing the right to free speech from society.

*Labeling opposing viewpoints as'Hate Speech.'
*Law creation and enforcement of preferred pronouns.
*Supports the ban/removal of post/videos with opposing viewpoints on YouTube and social media.
Radical sure, or more likely extreme, given towards a "purer" form of Marxist derived actions and ideas and often with a Utopian bent.

This varies from region to region as well.

A leftist from California and Italy are likely going to have a very different perspective.
I am in support of same sex union, euthanasia, drug decriminalization, abortion right and universal healthcare, but I am against the prevailing PC/SJW censorship culture, deficit spending, open border, mass immigration, foreign intervention and surveillance state. I don't think one word is enough to encompass your political positions on wide range of issues.
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The reason it is hard to distinguish between the two is because liberals do not separate themselves from leftists. While conservatives are constantly called on to disavow nazis/KKK/etc, liberals do nothing to distance themselves from groups like Antifa.
we got to post number 2 before "cultural marxism " was mentioned.........
No, I'm actually not.
You're not? I think you can see why some of us might assume so since you are a leftist and, well, there's your username. I thought you were and I'm not using commie as a pejorative, just thought you were a sincere communist.

If not a communist, how would you describe yourself?
Yeah no, I know a guy who kicks a ball with his left foot and he's a big republican supporter. Try to stay on topic.
My ole lady is a southpaw. If I called her a leftist she'd punch me..