Deleted nudes reappearing on iPhone after iOS update

News flash: anything stored in the cloud is insecure by default. Imagine that your neighbour had a computer server at home, and they told you "Hey, why don't you store all your personal data on my server, which I own and can access any time I want?" You'd tell them to fuck off. Yet a Big Tech company, a giant psychopathic machine that exists for nothing but profit and control, offers people the same "convenience" and suddenly they don't mind at all. They didn't mind it either when Apple sold them some BS about scanning photos for child abuse, when they're really scanning it for surveillance and data scraping. Y'all dumb.
Saw an article that said after installing an iOS update, nude photos thought deleted years ago are reappearing in photo album. You might think no big deal, but this was reportedly happening on devices thought to be factory reset before selling or returning them, so other people now have your nudes. Seems like the act of deleting didn't overwrite the memory space. I don't think I took naughty pics or vids on my iPod that I had to unexpectedly hand over for a repair replacement since the Apple Store didn't give me any indication that's what I had to do so on the spot had to decide to reset the iPod before surrendering it. I should have taken some super long hi res video with it first just in case to use up memory to overwrite stuff.
Hahaha gawd damn…

“nude photos thought deleted years ago are reappearing in photo album. You might think no big deal”.
Saw an article that said after installing an iOS update, nude photos thought deleted years ago are reappearing in photo album. You might think no big deal, but this was reportedly happening on devices thought to be factory reset before selling or returning them, so other people now have your nudes. Seems like the act of deleting didn't overwrite the memory space. I don't think I took naughty pics or vids on my iPod that I had to unexpectedly hand over for a repair replacement since the Apple Store didn't give me any indication that's what I had to do so on the spot had to decide to reset the iPod before surrendering it. I should have taken some super long hi res video with it first just in case to use up memory to overwrite stuff.

Is this a result of phones uploading files to an external drive where they are stored forever and coupled to a particular phone?
I always find it kind of amusing how many Americans justify their use of Apple products when it is almost entirely contradictory to any ethos that prioritizes freedom.

They're like no, a closed system is more free bro. Like arguing fascism is the best root to personal freedom...
PSA: all files deleted on any computer are not actually deleted. They are just marked as deleted so the operating system can overwrite that portion of the hard disk if it so desires. Once that portion of the hard disk is overwritten with new data then the deleted file would be gone.

If you want to really wipe your data you have to look into options specifically for doing that.

That said, it's still weird for an OS update to bring back files marked as deleted. That sounds like a feck up by Apple.
Is this a result of phones uploading files to an external drive where they are stored forever and coupled to a particular phone?
I don't think the article mentioned cloud, but was about files deleted on device, or tagged as to be overwritten, that suddenly became treated as not deleted.

Is it possible someone at Apple had possession of a phone known to have had hot woman's naked pics so the only way to access was to fook with the entire operating system for everyone?
I don't think the article mentioned cloud, but was about files deleted on device, or tagged as to be overwritten, that suddenly became treated as not deleted.

Is it possible someone at Apple had possession of a phone known to have had hot woman's naked pics so the only way to access was to fook with the entire operating system for everyone?

There were people who mentioned that photos popped up in their feed from 2 or 3 phones ago, so it can't be the device drive.
Itt I learned people give back or sell or whatever their old cell phones. I still have every cell phone I’ve owned since 2005 just sitting in the bottom drawer of my bedside table, none of which probably would work even if you were to try and charge them up. I’ve had my current phone since February 2020, it’s an iPhone X which replaced my previous iPhone SE which was a fine phone until its charging port stopped working. Before that I had one get smashed, before that one that was just a dud and died, and before that one went in the washing machine. Prior to that I think I had a Blackberry through law school and prior to that was my first cell phone, a Nokia flip phone through my last two years undergrad and grad school.

Still have all of them.
LOL @ anyone thinking they can "delete" anything from the internet, without a team of the very best blood thirsty genius hackers and programmers to scour every inch of the web to do it, and even then, they ain't gonna get it all.

It's like trying to get rid of nuclear waste. Just because you dump it in the ocean, doesn't mean it's gone.
In thiscase we are talking about the phone's harddrive, not the net.
I am proud of what my mama gave me so if others want to enjoy it, fine. But I feel bad for some of these innocent teacher types that sent me some graphic stuff over the years. I am talking sucker fish on the side os a fish tank type shit.
In thiscase we are talking about the phone's harddrive, not the net.
Sure, but if that was the case, they wouldn't be coming back. Isn't most shit saved to the cloud? Isn't that how all those celebrity leaks happened? If pictures are being wiped but still coming back, I can't imagine it not being related to to net in some capacity.

Granted, I'm no expert on this.