Dhiegos nose


Purple Belt
Oct 29, 2011
Reaction score
Wtf is up with that thing? Lol I cant help but be hypnotized by that thing every time he does the sit down interviews on the show. I think he cam from the ATT vs Blackzilians season but I don't remember if his nose was like that back then. Did he get it broken in a fight?

Yeah. Prolly lots of scar tissue up in there. Caluiflower of the nose.
Yeah. Prolly lots of scar tissue up in there. Caluiflower of the nose.
Lmao cauliflower nose. I've just always had this thing ever since i was a kid where if you point out a mole or a facial tick I can't stop noticing it. Kind of like on Austin powers with the mole or cheech and chong with strawberries birth mark. If I met him I probably wouldn't be able to look at him in the face out of fear of disrespecting him cus I'd just be staring at his schnozz
I can't help but picture a proboscis monkey every time I see him.
I think his nose is turning into a fist.
He looks like a tucan bird
Good guy though really enjoyed him this season
Yeah that is one cartoonish beak. He is a likable guy though - glad he's done well.
I like Dhiego a lot, but he looks like someone drew a caricature of his brother and brought it to life
He's got one of those old drunk's noses. Interesting fact though...our noses are the only part of our face that never stop growing!
It's not the size of the nose, it's the motion in the ocean.
He wasn't on that ATT/BZ season, that may have been the worst season ever. He was on the Penn/Edgar season which was also not very good. Got knocked out by Eddie Gordon in the finale
It looks like someone took a lump of putty, took 5 seconds making it kinda look like a nose, and then stuck it on his face lol Good fighter though.
not as bad as KRS one

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