Divisiveness is now...good?

Is the current level of divisiveness good for the country?

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absolutely lost it at 'I want them under my boot NOW'
hahahahahahhaahhaha + hahahahahahahhahah= hahahahahahhahaahahah
I only hate the ideas. I'm not willing to listen to reactionary conservative bullshit anymore. They don't get a spot at the table.

I want a cacophony of voices from the center and left to drown out their idiocy, so that society doesn't allow for such ideas to be seriously couched. By so thoroughly exposing their "ideas" that they are laughed at, even by children.
Sounds like some Antifa level rhetoric. Could you give some examples of these "ideas"?
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All the TNG movies were pure fucking garbage. None of the actors cared about being true to character and had clearly forgotten much of their character's traits.
On top of the lazy acting is a series of terrible scripts that write dialogue and actions directly contradicting established traits and motivations.
What could be more against character than Picard driving around in a dune buggy or Data cussing and giggling like a fucking clown?
All the TNG movies were pure fucking garbage. None of the actors cared about being true to character and had clearly forgotten much of their character's traits.
On top of the lazy acting is a series of terrible scripts that write dialogue and actions directly contradicting established traits and motivations.
What could be more against character than Picard driving around in a dune buggy or Data cussing and giggling like a fucking clown?
I'm confused as hell. Was there a picture or something in my post? I don't see it on my end lol
i'll say this on a serious note

This 'divisiveness' could be good (for real) if it results in the change of our two party system (making it easier for a third party to compete), or simply removing the Corp backing from politics. Neither side, right or left, gives two shits about it's constituency and that has been obvious for decades.
In the post I quoted there is a gif from I'v of the TNG movies. Data is saying "Oh shit."

Strange. Nothing was showing up til a second ago.
Well on the flipside no sane person is going to bat an eye when republicans, the intelligence community, and the msm work together to launch bogus investigations, raid everyone around the president, and then push for impeachment & criminal charges without ever identifying a crime. You guys shouldn't bat an eye when all of the major tech companies collude to silence leftists. You shouldn't bat an eye when that president 90% negative political coverage. Don't bat an eye when mobs of masked conservatives start assaulting leftists and burning down buildings.

But who are we kidding. You guys will just support another swamp rat whom Washington and the media thinks very highly of. Criticism of your president will be censored and considered hate speech.
Do me a favor and save me the poor Trump BS, it doesn't work on me or most sane people.
There have been numerous indictments and convictions of people connected to Trump.
Bogus investigations??? Benghazi ring a bell, 9 separate investigations and never found a damn thing. Never-mind Clinton asked for and was denied extra money for embassy security on multiple occasions and was denied.
The Republicans started talking impeaching President Clinton right after they took congress after the 1994 midterms.
shouldn't bat an eye when all of the major tech companies collude to silence leftists? You mean to tell me talk radio, the NY Post, Sinclair Broadcasting, Fox News, Washington Times doesn't already do that?
I suppose I should actually respond to the point of the thread though.

Yes divisiveness is good, the two parties should hate each other, and they should be antagonistic to corporations and other nations. The only thing that both parties should love and serve its the nation and its people. That is what an adversarial system means. This is just another way in which people have lost touch with reality in an attempt to drive towards utopian fantasies. Conflict is inherent in the core processes of life. You can't remove them. I wish you could, but it just isn't possible. The best you can do is direct and control them before adding a layer of civility that we all agree is in the common good. The idea of cooperation between state actors and business is largely what has created the economic mess we find ourselves in.

Machiavelli agrees with this post.
i'll say this on a serious note

This 'divisiveness' could be good (for real) if it results in the change of our two party system (making it easier for a third party to compete), or simply removing the Corp backing from politics. Neither side, right or left, gives two shits about it's constituency and that has been obvious for decades.

As long as every criticism from the media and many individuals is watered down with bothsidesism, we'll never see change. Bad actors will get away with it on the grounds that everyone does it.
The division in the United States is not good.

However, we as Americans cannot accept the cultural Marxist, social justice, leftist, hate Americans values worldview of the Democrat Party.

We need to be united in what's good and what's true. But to get to that, we must stand up to the left.
I only hate the ideas. I'm not willing to listen to reactionary conservative bullshit anymore. They don't get a spot at the table.

I want a cacophony of voices from the center and left to drown out their idiocy, so that society doesn't allow for such ideas to be seriously couched. By so thoroughly exposing their "ideas" that they are laughed at, even by children.

We own the table.
What did he say or do to do this? You claim it, but how about some examples?

Here are a couple of examples of Obama's divisiveness.

Steve Wynn on Obama's divisive rhetoric getting between him and his own employees:
The president is trying to put himself between me and my employees. By class warfare, by deprecating and calling a group that makes money 'billionaires and millionaires who don't pay their share.' I gave 120% of my salary and bonus away last year to charities, as I do most years. I can't stand the idea of being demagogued, that is put down by a president who has never created any jobs and who doesn't even understand how the economy works.


A general article on Obama's divisiveness:
The worst failing of the Obama presidency, as judged by his own promise to unite the nation, has been his divisiveness. In this speech, he even noted his role in the current climate of hyper-partisanship as "one of the few regrets" of his tenure. For a man much more prone to tout his greatness than admit a shortcoming, this brief admission spoke volumes.

Despite this fleeting moment of self-reflection, on policy matters, he maintained a haughty and dismissive air towards those with whom he disagrees. Instead of showing magnanimity to the other side of the political aisle, Obama chose to lecture and even condescend.


Another article on Obama's divisiveness:
We write in sadness as traditional liberal Democrats who believe in inclusion. Like many Americans, we had hoped that Obama would maintain the spirit in which he campaigned. Instead, since taking office, he has pitted group against group for short-term political gain that is exacerbating the divisions in our country and weakening our national identity.The culture of attack politics and demonization risks compromising our ability to address our most important issues - and the stature of our nation's highest office.


Examples of divisive Obama quotes:

In a Univision interview on Monday, the president, who campaigned in 2008 by referring not to a "Red America" or a "Blue America" but a United States of America, urged Hispanic listeners to vote in this spirit: "We're gonna punish our enemies and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us."

“You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Obama attacked the Republican party vociferously as President, which is divisive in and of itself considering they're the public representatives of at least half the country. In short, Obama was generally a bad actor on the public stage, but hopefully Americans will take a lesson about putting feel-good race considerations above more important traits when considering Presidential candidates.
Here are a couple of examples of Obama's divisiveness.

Steve Wynn on Obama's divisive rhetoric getting between him and his own employees:


A general article on Obama's divisiveness:


Another article on Obama's divisiveness:


Examples of divisive Obama quotes:

Obama attacked the Republican party vociferously as President, which is divisive in and of itself considering they're the public representatives of at least half the country. In short, Obama was generally a bad actor on the public stage, but hopefully Americans will take a lesson about putting feel-good race considerations above more important traits when considering Presidential candidates.

Fuck me those examples of divisiveness are painfully weak. Really? Billionaires and conservative talk radio figures thinking Obama should've been nicer to them and respect the majesty of the office, now supporting Donald Trump?

If you found Obama divisive or radical, it's because you chose to.

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