DL and Squat form check

I didn't even watch your squat video but I promise you will injure your back if you continue to deadlift like that. your back is much too rounded. your shoulders are forward. you're hunched over the bar. you're too far forward.

On the eccentric part of the movement, bend at the hips before the knees. This will help you out a TON. the bar will travel in a straight line instead of of around your knees.
squat video. Lower the pins on the rack so it's not so hard to unrack the weight and you can actually get under it. your heels literally come off the ground. This is the opposite of what you want. your weight should be on the mid / heel of the foot. this will lead you to lean forward too much. You are doing a slight good morning type motion (which would be alright if you were lowbar squatting, but you are doing high bar).
Both a very, very ugly. And Killkill is right on in most of his commentary.

Rack position is too high...you literally had to come up on your tippy-toes to unrack it. You put any heavy weight on there, that's gonna be a problem. As is the lack of proper rack position on your back.
I am guessing you are trying to squat high-bar. But regardless, you need to sit back, not just sit down. Your heels are off the ground as you near the hole, but you never even hit depth...you are off-balance, and as a result end up GMin the weight.

Christ. From the time you bend over to touch the bar to the time you set the bar back on the ground, every single facet of your deadlift is ugly.
You need to watch a deadlift instructional, and you need to learn how to set up on the bar. Your body positioning is terrible, and unless you fix it, you are going to end up very injured. Weight back, back straight, head up, and let your hips move first.
Squats looked way above parallel to me, try dropping your hips more instead of bending the knees.

The deadlift was pure hideous to watch, you need to work on keeping your back straight and arched, shoulder back and everything tight. A good way to do this would be to take your stance and instead of dropping to meet the bar, have the bar at arms length and raise your chest as much as possible, thus arching your back into it's correct position.

I have the problem of the bar coming over my knees to but I found it easier if I started the eccentric phase by almost dropping my hips as I would squatting before bending the knees.

check yourself before you wreck yourself!
Things you need to address:

- Break at the hips, and sit back more. Atm your knees are coming too far forward.
- Heels are coming off of the floor.
- Flexibility/depth.

- Fucking everything. Holy shit that was bad... It's a damn good thing you posted these vids, becaue had you continued, there's no doubt in my mind that you would have injured your back.

Here's a thread linked to the FAQ that should get you started: http://www.sherdog.net/forums/f13/technique-videos-major-lifts-1212904/
Oh god what am I watching, stop deadlifting please, read some information before doing those.
your not doing a squat, your doing a good morning, you can fix this by:
A. putting the bar in the low bar position when you squat and sitting back a little more
B. keep the bar where it is and sit back a SHITLOAD more.

your not doing a dead lift......period. Start from square one. Go look at the starting strength wiki ( google it), somewhere on there there are videos describing how to deadlift properly
your not doing a squat, your doing a good morning, you can fix this by:
A. putting the bar in the low bar position when you squat and sitting back a little more
B. keep the bar where it is and sit back a SHITLOAD more.

your not doing a dead lift......period. Start from square one. Go look at the starting strength wiki ( google it), somewhere on there there are videos describing how to deadlift properly

Why would he put the bar in the low-bar position if he's not squatting low-bar?

But seriously TS...in the several months I have been perusing this site, I haven't seen any form checks anywhere comparable to as terrible as yours is. Both lifts.
TS, good for you for posting these videos early on before you develop bad habits that are hard to break. You just started, so take everything you read as constructive criticism.

On the deadlift, really focus on getting your hips lower, your butt out, and your chest up at the start of the lift. Concentrate on keeping your whole body tight.
But seriously TS...in the several months I have been perusing this site, I haven't seen any form checks anywhere comparable to as terrible as yours is. Both lifts.

How does this help anything? Does it make you feel better about yourself? Add something constructive or shut the fuck up.
Why would he put the bar in the low-bar position if he's not squatting low-bar?

But seriously TS...in the several months I have been perusing this site, I haven't seen any form checks anywhere comparable to as terrible as yours is. Both lifts.

your misunderstanding me. I mean that he should squat low bar if he feels the need to lean forward that much.
Why would he put the bar in the low-bar position if he's not squatting low-bar?

But seriously TS...in the several months I have been perusing this site, I haven't seen any form checks anywhere comparable to as terrible as yours is. Both lifts.

I fail to see how this is helpful to his cause.

TS, check out the FAQs, and watch the instructional videos on how to squat/deadlift religiously. Good to see you weren't too proud to post videos early.
But seriously TS...in the several months I have been perusing this site, I haven't seen any form checks anywhere comparable to as terrible as yours is. Both lifts.

I would beg to differ. The first time I tried low bar squatting I put a form video up, and I have to say it was terrifyingly brutal. Almost to this level, but not quite.

Anyways, everything that you need to do has already been said. Just take all the help you can get, and take advantage that people are willing to help you. It hurts when you hear what your doing is absolute shit because I've been there, but in all honesty nothing will never help you more than manning up and working on what they told you to work on.

I think this is why so many people associate deadlifting with back pain. People deadlift like this without ever getting their form checked, and then throw out their back and blame the exercise. At least this guy is on the right track and trying to improve his lifts.
How does this help anything? Does it make you feel better about yourself? Add something constructive or shut the fuck up.

If you actually read the thread, you would see that I commented, constructively, yesterday.

And it was a FORM CHECK video. If it was terrible, it deserves to be called terrible. Whether or not YOU find that to be constructive is fairly irrelevant. The TS needs to understand that neither of those lifts were performed properly, and that he needs to make serious adjustments in form, or he will be risking serious injury.

He posted a form check, his form was checked and critiqued. He needs to made to understand there was an issue, so that he will hastily fix it. Whatever prodding it takes to make him understand that IS constructive. Sorry if you disagree, but I don't really care.
I would hate to see that deadlift with weight added on it. My back is hurting just from watching it.

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