Do you drink alcohol?


Black Belt
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
How many of you guys that train consume alcohol? If so how much/often.

I haven't drank since around my 23rd B-day in October and quit smoking around the same time in an attempt to be overall more healthy.v

Just curious.
I generally drink a glass of wine on Saturday night. That's it. You could drink more and still be perfectly healthy though
I've pretty much stopped drinking, at least on a regular basis, but I don't have any rules against having a beer with the guys if I really feel like it. Not so much worried about "health" or weight gain, so much as the effect it has on my workouts in the days after...and this is from experience as much as from any research. I also think it's a very silly thing to have to get drunk to have fun, and once you have a sufficient amount of self confidence, any peer pressure to the contrary is equally useless :)
I used to drink A LOT.

Now I just drink when I'm in Vegas.
I have a bourbon and coke, 2 cigarettes and some congee. I think thats taken back out of ketosis again lol
2 or 3 beer every once in a while. There was a time when I didn't drink a single beer for almost two years, but ultimately I decided the reward wasn't worth the sacrifice when taking into account the sports is "only" a hobby for me.
about every other weekend or so and when I do I tend to over do it. The next moring I wake up I feel like someone beat me up. I need to quit that though
I'll have a couple of beers here and there. I enjoy microbrewed stuff along with a bit of Ketel One every now and then. Ever since I cleaned up my diet I noticed I feel the alcohol a lot quicker and I don't need to drink as much. Some how I can also stay in the more pleasant "buzzed" stage longer. Although the one problem is I feel a quickened hang over set in sooner than I used to.
Once a week. I don't drink very much hard liquor anymore, but I still enjoy drinking some beers on Saturday nights.
I don't drink that often, more like one or two bottles of beer a week and that's it.
I'm a fucking alcoholic. But I still train a lot.

I'm a Canadian with Russian, Scottish and Irish heritage. Drinking and fighting is pretty much a given.
I'm a fucking alcoholic. But I still train a lot.

I'm a Canadian with Russian, Scottish and Irish heritage. Drinking and fighting is pretty much a given.

i'm an australian with irish and aboriginal heritage, drinking is hardwired into me too :redface:

i don't drink during the week but usually have a few either friday or saturday, i try to not get too drunk though
Honestly, it's only because I'm not training and it's summer right now. Most of the time I keep it pretty light.

Whenever I trained for a fight I'd quit drinking for at least 5 weeks before.
I drink two or three beers a day pretty regularly. Dark ale only, none of those yellow fizzy beers.

In Europe, where I grew up, they say a beer has pretty much the equivalent energy/nutrition of a whole wheat sandwhich with cheese. Don't know how much truth there is in that, but it hasn't hindered my performance as far as I can tell.

Moderate amounts of alcohol is good for you too. Cleans out the arteries, lowers cholesterol.
I drink two or three beers a day pretty regularly. Dark ale only, none of those yellow fizzy beers.

In Europe, where I grew up, they say a beer has pretty much the equivalent energy/nutrition of a whole wheat sandwhich with cheese. Don't know how much truth there is in that, but it hasn't hindered my performance as far as I can tell.

Moderate amounts of alcohol is good for you too. Cleans out the arteries, lowers cholesterol.
With about 42kcal per 100ml that makes not too much cheese on your sandwich, dude.

Besides, did you ever see a girl get laid because of a cheese sandwich? :icon_evil