Do you drink alcohol?

No it isn't, unless you are eating it.

There is no case of MJ only smoker ever having lung cancer, let alone even brown lung. I never said it didn't affect the breathing that is "subjective". It paralyzes the cilia if not done in moderation. You can't say anything about Vapes that does nothing to even the cilia. So whats your point?
There is no case of MJ only smoker ever having lung cancer, let alone even brown lung.

you do realize that many, many, many people who never smoke cigarettes get lung cancer, right? your claim would mean that smoking weed actually has a massive protective effect against lung cancer, which i don't believe
I don't drink alcohol at all. The way I see it, it has no benefits for me. Won't help my health since I think it does more harm than good in my opinion. Therefore, I won't ingest it. I know others may beg to differ though. Also, I refuse to fall to peer pressure and follow the crowd about this since my dad died from liver cancer.

All in good moderation seems reasonable, but I don't even have a drop and I'm so use to that now, I don't see why I should start drinking again.