Do you ever think about dying?

I don't know why but lately I've been obsessing about death. But not in a good way. The thoughts give me major anxiety and depression. Like I'll be trying to go to sleep and suddenly my brain will just come up with a random thought like "damn I'm 30 so I'm almost halfway done with my life. Where has the time gone? I don't wanna die". And then it will just spiral from there and ill start thinking about what it means to die, is there an after life, does life have any meaning to begin with, etc.

It's not good boys. Ole Gracious Warrior has a serious case of death anxiety.

Do you guys ever think about death? How does it make you feel?
Yep. Sounds about like me. It gave me anxiety at first but now I'm just sort of like, fuck it. Everyone dies. I'm certainly not looking forward to it, and I'm not not afraid to die, but it is what it is. I just hope when it gets here it will be fast and painless. Ideally, I'd like to go like Rose in Titanic.

I think the way to get over the anxiety is to find other things to focus your mind on. Find stuff you like to do and do it. Have realistic goals you want to accomplish and work towards accomplishing them.
I don't think about die, one of the few things in life that get done itself automatically without have to bother plan about it

Life is about birth followed at some point by death, accept and move on
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I can't remember the last time I truly enjoyed something. Everything just pisses me off, makes me sad, or is boring now. I wish I could kill myself without having to worry about the guilt of hurting and letting down my loved ones.
You have depression buddy. There's literally a chemical imbalance in your head that makes you feel that way. If you fixed it you'd be happy, confident and thinking life was full of meaning and wonder.

Do some research and go see a doctor
You have depression buddy. There's literally a chemical imbalance in your head that makes you feel that way. If you fixed it you'd be happy, confident and thinking life was full of meaning and wonder.

Do some research and go see a doctor
I know. I've had it my entire life. It's not as simple as go to a doctor. Therapy doesn't make me magically not depressed. Neither do pills. Thank you though.
I know. I've had it my entire life. It's not as simple as go to a doctor. Therapy doesn't make me magically not depressed. Neither do pills. Thank you though.

i used to be severely depressed. it lasted over ten years of my life and was a daily handicap. it came over me in waves that would suck me down into very dark places. sometimes it would let up a bit and i would be having a bit of fun (during high school) but then it would come out of nowhere and ruin it for me. i often found myself walking away from the party or group to be alone as it made me unable to socialize in any meaningful way.

but i found a way to outgrow it and every year it got better until at one point my lowest low was above depression. it has now been many years since i have felt or known depression.

i am very grateful for it.
Often. It used to scare me when I was little but now I often look forward to it. When I'm dead all the suffering will finally end.
And then it turns out there is an afterlife after all, and the suffering in an eternal hell is about to start.
I have those thoughts all the time. But as someone who is nearing 50, fuck you for saying that your life is half over at 30.
On the plus side, you still aren't as old as @TeTe.

I did a lot when I was a teenager and in my early 20s which was odd considering that's when you feel most invincible so to speak. As I've gotten older I think about it as just some inevitability to not bother dwelling on. I'm just going full speed ahead so that I don't regret the time I spent here when I about to go.

I'm pretty sure you were born old

I try not to think about it since it ruins the moment but I do ponder it.
You're also at deaths door every day while you're awake.
No, I mean when you sleep, you brain shuts down your body to the point where it's functioning just enough to keep you alive. It's called your basil metabolic rate.
Just really hope there’s no one around weeping. Can’t stand that shit. I’ll walk out in the woods and die alone if some idiot insists on sitting next to me crying.
Probably doesn't help when your former LT. ups and dies of a Heart Attack at age 57.
You are grieving your own life in advance. Keep doing it, you will eventually get to the acceptance stage. At that point every moment alive is a bonus to be appreciated.