Do you want to retire from working completely?


Holy Paladin
Feb 17, 2020
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I have a new co-worker. He's Chinese, around 70 years old. He went back to working after retiring. He drives a brand new Mercedes SUV and after a week of working, he bought a brand new Toyota Tacoma because it fits the work that we're doing, which is in the trades.

He tells us he came back to work because he was bored and I could relate to what he was describing.

He says he retired and he started staying up later in the evening as time went on. He started going to be around 2am and woke up around noon. He slept more and more. He woke up, he went out to buy something to eat. He went to Walmart, Home Depot, Best Buy and just started looking for stuff to buy. He started traveling and eventually got bored of that, too. Ultimately, he says he felt like he was just fading away. He decided to come back to work.
I retired 2 years ago, and will never go back. Maybe he needs some hobbies? We got a dog, and take her to different parks about every day for walks. I bought a big shed, and made it a wood working shop. My wife and I do lots of crafts, she sees something someone else made, and then we make our own with our own spin.

About the only time I sit down is after dinner, I'm pretty busy all day and love it.
I do want to retire from my current job, but I'd like to have my mind and body busy after the fact. So I might do something to keep me going. Can't just be stagnant, you'll die faster that way.

At least a hobby or a part time job.
Yes I hate working. I make a very good wage between my salary and part time business ($100k combined). But I honestly envy the homeless sometimes. I don't believe in an afterlife. So spending 8 to 16 hours a day of my short life, that's half over, really depresses me sometimes. And when I'm gone it won't mean a damn thing.

I think about all the sunny, 72 degree beautiful picture perfect days where I've spent 12 hours in an office under florescent lights doing things that contribute nothing meaningful and regret it.
I was semi-retired at age 42 working minimal hours per week as a real estate broker/investor until 2020 ruined all of those plans for me. I've been grinding like a mfer ever since.

I'm guessing I will continue to work until I'm 65-70 ... The apple didnt fall far from the tree unfortunately. My dad retired about 8 years ago he was overnight chief of security for a luxury condo on Miami Beach from age 71-79. He's sharper than ever at age 86 and he would still be there today if his body could handle it
I do want to retire from my current job, but I'd like to have my mind and body busy after the fact. So I might do something to keep me going. Can't just be stagnant, you'll die faster that way.

At least a hobby or a part time job.

I retired 2 years ago, and will never go back. Maybe he needs some hobbies? We got a dog, and take her to different parks about every day for walks. I bought a big shed, and made it a wood working shop. My wife and I do lots of crafts, she sees something someone else made, and then we make our own with our own spin.

About the only time I sit down is after dinner, I'm pretty busy all day and love it.

This. I want to retire 100%. I don't want to work my entire life. BUT when I retire I won't stay up until 2am and sleep until noon.

I want to be able to do what I want to do when I want. I plan to volunteer and pick up hobbies or traveling to keep me busy. Don't sit around and do nothing! BUt also, no need to work yourself until they day you die. Volunteer at homeless shelter, pet adoption clinics, youth sports, anything you can do to give back to others and keep busy.

Nobody should ever claim they are bored and have nothing to do.....that just means they are lazy, not bored.
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If it was all happy go-lucky work, I would not want to do it.

I enjoy having enemies, and defeating them.

Crush your enemies
See them driven before you
And hear the lamentation
Of their women

I was on FMLA for awhile and was feeling the exact same way he was feeling. There was zero motivation to do anything. I could come up with a million things I wanted to do, but when it was time to execute, I didn't feel like it and just basically sat there doing nothing, fading away.
I want to retire from my main job ASAP. Now, from my business, no, I don't think I ever will. I need projects and goals to look forward to. Otherwise I'd feel like I'm withering away. Gotta keep the juices flowing.
I would retire today if I was liquid enough to do so. (I'll be 50 this year- and just had my 30 year anniversary with my company- but am in a spot where I have lots in 401k, but little in the way of liquidity. Having 2 kids starting at age 40 didn't help, haha.)