Does blaydes’ win over aspinall ‘count’?

Idk, the exchange they had before it ended it looked like Curtis was landing. It's honestly hard to say, I'd have to watch it again.

That's how I saw it too.

Only an actual rematch would be definitive.

Normally, I hate rematches, but this fight never even got going.
It's like Vitor's win over Randy Couture — it goes down as a win but it doesn't really tell us much about who the better fighter is.
Vitor landed the grasing shot and cut Randy ? I mean Aspinal injurd himself.
Curtis landed hard and then used his tree-trunk legs to blow out Tom's knee on a kick. 100% counts.
Sure it counts. One guy was unable to continue, legitimate win. Was it particularly convincing though? Not at all. I think we have no idea how this fight goes without an injury, I laugh when people pretend like we could tell how that fight was gonna go from what we saw.
I mean objectively, by matter of fact and record, it counts.

Does the context alter the value? Sure, but it don't change the result.

I always think these kinds of threads are weird, out of touch with basic reality, but I guess I get the underlying thought of it.
It's a win for the records and no one should pretend like it isn't.

But it's also a win you can walk away with no info or analysis from, because there was nothing of consequence during it

Idk, the exchange they had before it ended it looked like Curtis was landing. It's honestly hard to say, I'd have to watch it again.
He didn't. Basically nothing landed. I forget where, but I posted slow mo of every single exchange and neither of neither of them had even one hit as intended.

Edit* found it
And if you look at the action again under a microscope, this here is the FULL fight.


-Straight right lands under the chin to neck/chest area, followup hook to the armpit pushes Tom off.
-Hard leg kick, but mostly picked up.
-Two 1-2's both miss.
-Counter right is just off center, it either misses or grazes the side of Tom's head.
-The follow up jab maybe lands well or was maybe more just a push just as Tom is stepping down and getting injured.

So basically, like one leg kick and one jab landed, and the one kick was blocked about as much as it could be and the jab was same time as the injury, so it could have caused it or partly been because of it.

I'm not taking Curtis' W away, but this is like the most non-consequential action to ever happen in a victory we've ever seen, so the large contingent of "Blaydes was clearly going to win" people boggle the fuck out of me.
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But he did do something to cause the injury. He had already landed a combo on an earlier entry by Tom and Bisping even says Tom needs to be careful because Blaydes is landing each time Tom enters. Blaydes wasn't checking the kicks because he was countering the kick with a combo. He had already landed it once. So when Tom threw his kick, Blaydes threw his counter and Tom tried to step back out of range and blew out his knee.

Legit victory for Blaydes.

I do think the distance change Blaydes made and pushing him back with his attempted strikes and his weight on the leg was at least kind of a check (contrary to what some are saying) all helped cause the blown out knee, but Bisping was wrong and nothing was landing before that exchange.
It counts as much as any other severe injury during a fight. Blaydes was outstriking Aspinall in the few exchanges they had for what its worth.
Technically its a win yes, but you can't really take it seriously and really count it. Nothing happened in the fight, it last 15 seconds.
It counts as Blaydes was clearly winning and Tom could no longer fight, although so little happened it is hard to say what would happen over prolonged exchanges.
In reality, yes, but we've seen it here plenty of times where people make up their own fight results and insist they're real.

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