"Domination lift"


White Belt
Jul 1, 2009
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I know I'm just a whitebelt, but what do you guys think of the following:

One full lift:
  1. Power clean
  2. Overhead press (hold weight at top)
  3. Deep squat (with weight held overhead on straight arms)
The idea is purely philosophical (i.e. not a utilitarian one). Doing this would mean you dominate that weight, and of course the bigger the better (incl. relative to BW). The first two steps are an "overpowering" of that weight, and you "display dominance" by going ass-to-grass in a controlled fashion with the weight suspended high.

Now, for any decent athlete to do this with a barbell I feel it would be plain stupid. That's why I was thinking the tool of choice would be a man-sized sand bag or similar ross-training-esque tool. Idea would be to have a non-uniform, hard-to-handle weight that you completely dominate.
And why is that philosophical..?
Actually fuck you, guys. I'ma gonna dominate all day tomorrow at the gym.

Actually fuck you, guys. I'ma gonna dominate all day tomorrow at the gym.

So, you're going to power clean ? press ? and then overhead squat ? Cool complex brah.
Good idea bro, you do that and DOMINATE while doing so!!!

If you can't curl it, you can't dominate it. The combo you're talking about is one Dan John talks a lot about. It was a combination he did for high school football. Though, I think he speaks more humbly about the accomplishment.
You will continue to dominate in the same manner as power bottoms throughout history.

And a barbell complex is not particularly unique. If I were going to do something similar, I would use a snatch grip.
The problem here is not that your idea lacks merit, it's that YOU lack merit.
I know I'm just a whitebelt, but what do you guys think of the following:

One full lift:
  1. Power clean
  2. Overhead press (hold weight at top)
  3. Deep squat (with weight held overhead on straight arms)
The idea is purely philosophical (i.e. not a utilitarian one). Doing this would mean you dominate that weight, and of course the bigger the better (incl. relative to BW). The first two steps are an "overpowering" of that weight, and you "display dominance" by going ass-to-grass in a controlled fashion with the weight suspended high.

Now, for any decent athlete to do this with a barbell I feel it would be plain stupid. That's why I was thinking the tool of choice would be a man-sized sand bag or similar ross-training-esque tool. Idea would be to have a non-uniform, hard-to-handle weight that you completely dominate.

Going to actually give you a serious answer, because I am apparently in a good mood after dinner. (No, it will not last).

You have stumbled across the idea of barbell complexes. Allow me to illustrate a couple:

Power snatch from above the knee,
Lower behind neck to squat position (traps/upper back)
Push press from behind the neck
Lower to hang position, lather, rinse, repeat.

More advanced version:
Power snatch from above knee
Overhead squat
Lower bar to traps/upper back
Push press from behind the neck
Lower to hang position and begin again

In both complexes, you push press from behind the neck using a snatch grip. If you lack the flexibility for this, stretch more, because my middle-aged, gimp ass can manage it just fine.

Clean complex (now called the bear by some iconic gay smurf-fuckers)

Power clean from above the knee
Front squat
Press (then lower behind head)
Push press from behind the neck
Lower to hang position and begin again

Complexes are used for conditioning. If you feel the need to apply the term "dominate" to a lift done with light weight at high speed by those who simply dislike cardio, well, your problem is not philosophical, it is testicular.
I'm pretty sure it's called the bear already in The Training of the Weightlifter...

Someone had to add that it because it is not in the original translation. Assuming you are talking about the training of the weightlifter by Roman.