Opinion Donald Trump wants to control the Justice Department and FBI. His allies have a plan

Dark isn't having none of yalls shit. He busts out the spatula, back sides getting painted red.
By Gram Slattery, Sarah N. Lynch and Andrew Goudsward

WASHINGTON, May 17 (Reuters) - Some of Donald Trump's allies are assembling proposals to curtail the Justice Department's independence and turn the nation's top law enforcement body into an attack dog for conservative causes, nine people involved in the effort told Reuters.

If successful, the overhaul could represent one of the most consequential actions of a second Trump presidency given the Justice Department's role in protecting democratic institutions and upholding the rule of law.

It would also mark a dramatic departure from the department's mission statement, opens new tab, which identifies "independence and impartiality" as core values.

Trump, who has been indicted on dozens of criminal charges by the Justice Department, has vowed on the campaign trail to overhaul the agency if he wins the presidential election on Nov. 5 and pledged to use it to pursue his own opponents, including Democratic President Joe Biden.

The plan is essentially twofold, according to the nine people interviewed by Reuters, some of whom requested anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.

First: flood the Justice Department with stalwart conservatives unlikely to say "no" to controversial orders from the White House. Second: restructure the department so key decisions are concentrated in the hands of administration loyalists rather than career bureaucrats.

The FBI - which many Republicans see as biased against them - would have new constraints on its authority, with many of its responsibilities shifted to other law enforcement agencies, those people said.

"Trump feels that the DoJ has institutional problems," said Steve Bannon, a prominent Trump ally who was prosecuted by the Justice Department and convicted for contempt of Congress. "It's not just personnel: you do need to purge the DoJ, but you also need to reform it."

Overhauling the Justice Department would allow the Trump administration to pursue conservative policy initiatives such as dismantling hiring programs meant to boost diversity in the workplace and ending federal oversight of police departments accused of racist practices.

In response to questions from Reuters, the Trump campaign pointed to a December statement from co-campaign managers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita.

"Unless a message is coming directly from President Trump or an authorized member of his campaign team, no aspect of future presidential staffing or policy announcements should be deemed official," they said.

The campaign itself has few full-time policy staffers. Trump and his team are in frequent contact with outside groups, such as those formulating recommendations on the Justice Department.

With Trump holding a lead in most swing states likely to decide November's election, the former president's advisers may have a shot at putting their ideas into practice.

Trump's promises to remodel the Justice Department have been well documented, but less attention has been given to identifying the specific measures his allies and advisers are advocating.

Two prominent Trump allies told Reuters they support eliminating the FBI's general counsel, an office that enraged Republicans during Trump's 2017-2021 term for its role in approving an inquiry into contacts between his 2016 campaign and Russian officials.

The general counsel provides legal advice to FBI employees regarding ongoing probes and other matters. Closing it would force the bureau to receive legal guidance from people closer to Trump's attorney general in the chain-of-command and limit the FBI's ability to conduct investigations without close political oversight, according to several Trump supporters and legal professionals with knowledge of the department's workings.

Biden campaign spokesperson Ammar Mousa said in a statement that Trump and his allies "were putting Trump's own revenge and retribution ahead of what is best for America." The FBI did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
oh well. you’d deserve it and then some.
You've advocated many times on here for weaponizing government agencies against democrats. You're a supporter of anti democratic principles and you can't handle it when the rule of law and democracy doesn't produce the result you want.
yes, if it’s something you want, it’s called “democracy.” if it’s something the other side wants, it’s called “weaponizing government,” or “fascism,” or “terrorism,” etc. doesn’t matter what the people actually want.

this goes to show, there really is no use in talking out differences anymore.
You've advocated many times on here for weaponizing government agencies against democrats. You're a supporter of anti democratic principles and you can't handle it when the rule of law and democracy doesn't produce the result you want.

I have said fire with fire and use their weapons against them.

And you come up with the typical liberal democrat cry "you can't do what we did, that's not fair ".

Fire with fire, turn their weapons back on them, what comes around, goes around. I still fully support that.

Or as Bruce Lee said.

"Forget about winning and losing; forget about pride and pain. Let your opponent graze your skin and you smash into his flesh; let him smash into your flesh and you fracture his bones; let him fracture your bones and you take his life!"
I have said fire with fire and use their weapons against them.

And you come up with the typical liberal democrat cry "you can't do what we did, that's not fair ".

Fire with fire, turn their weapons back on them, what comes around, goes around. I still fully support that.

Or as Bruce Lee said.

"Forget about winning and losing; forget about pride and pain. Let your opponent graze your skin and you smash into his flesh; let him smash into your flesh and you fracture his bones; let him fracture your bones and you take his life!"

So.. according to your smooth brain: A career criminal, charlatan and fraudster, finally getting put on trial despite getting away with crimes his entire life is somehow the fault of the democrats?

So you are anti law and order and just want right wing criminals to get away with everything? Just fucking say it dude.
So.. according to your smooth brain: A career criminal, charlatan and fraudster, finally getting put on trial despite getting away with crimes his entire life is somehow the fault of the democrats?

So you are anti law and order and just want right wing criminals to get away with everything? Just fucking say it dude.

It's been the conservative angle for years.

When they want to do something despicable they pretend Democrats did it and they have no choice but to do it harder.

Never mind that Trump faced nearly four thousand law suits before he entered politics, THESE ones are politically motivated. Never mind that Trump already leaned on the FBI and Department of Justice to do his bidding, they pretend that Trump saying clearly he wants them to be his open servants is justified because "Democrats did it first".

Rational people don't have to believe this nonsense, it's for the morons who will vote for him.
It's been the conservative angle for years.

When they want to do something despicable they pretend Democrats did it and they have no choice but to do it harder.

Never mind that Trump faced nearly four thousand law suits before he entered politics, THESE ones are politically motivated. Never mind that Trump already leaned on the FBI and Department of Justice to do his bidding, they pretend that Trump saying clearly he wants them to be his open servants is justified because "Democrats did it first".

Rational people don't have to believe this nonsense, it's for the morons who will vote for him.

They truly are the most blatant example of "villains" of this reality
So.. according to your smooth brain: A career criminal, charlatan and fraudster, finally getting put on trial despite getting away with crimes his entire life is somehow the fault of the democrats?

So you are anti law and order and just want right wing criminals to get away with everything? Just fucking say it dude.

Just fucking say it, it's only ok if it's done to the other side.

If they can get Trump then that's the way things go. You fuck up and you pay.

Creepy Joe and the crack baby did all kinds of shit with influence pedaling. Right now with the protect they are giving nothing going to happen. Now when he leaves office the investigation and charges should be interesting. You fuck up and you pay.
It's the IC who control government, not the other way around. In any case, people who think that figures like Trump or DeSantis are coming to save them are dead wrong. They merely play the part of the counter-position in the mainstream Hegelian dialectic. They're all part of the system, nobody is coming to save you.
It's the IC who control government, not the other way around. In any case, people who think that figures like Trump or DeSantis are coming to save them are dead wrong. They merely play the part of the counter-position in the mainstream Hegelian dialectic. They're all part of the system, nobody is coming to save you.
You'll be able to recognize a politician who is truly for the people...by the bullet hole in their head.
yes, if it’s something you want, it’s called “democracy.” if it’s something the other side wants, it’s called “weaponizing government,” or “fascism,” or “terrorism,” etc. doesn’t matter what the people actually want.

this goes to show, there really is no use in talking out differences anymore.
There's certainly use in debating. But the reality is the right in America, IE MAGA, is filled with uneducated and disingenuous people. So in that sense you are right, as it's really difficult to find common ground or debate properly with bad faith actors.

It's also really difficult to debate people who actually believe the things Donald Trump says.
You'll have to excuse me for not taking these claims of fascism seriously when the democrats compare J6 to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor.
It might make more sense to stop assuming Trump is kidding around about the fascist ideals he espouses with respect to how he will run the country if he gets back in office than to concentrate on hyperbolic characterizations of January 6th.
It might make more sense to stop assuming Trump is kidding around about the fascist ideals he espouses with respect to how he will run the country if he gets back in office than to concentrate on hyperbolic characterizations of January 6th.
I heard a lot of these things in 2015/2016. Remember the "he'll have his finger on the button" hysteria? He's already been POTUS once and the country didn't collapse and in some ways Biden has been shown to be more authoritarian.

Besides, if Trump crosses lines then he can be impeached.
I heard a lot of these things in 2015/2016. Remember the "he'll have his finger on the button" hysteria? He's already been POTUS once and the country didn't collapse and in some ways Biden has been shown to be more authoritarian.

Besides, if Trump crosses lines then he can be impeached.
Things have changed a little since 2016...and he tried all sorts of authoritarian shit, people in certain positions just told him to fuck off. Now he knows he can just replace those people with sycophants...

Biden is a middle of the road milktoast politician...I'm not a huge fan, but I am a huge fan of civilization and at least the appearance of propriety. Another Trump presidency is gonna be pure chaos.
Things have changed a little since 2016...and he tried all sorts of authoritarian shit, people in certain positions just told him to fuck off. Now he knows he can just replace those people with sycophants...
Oh', he can just disband the House and Senate?

Another Trump presidency is gonna be pure chaos.

Oh' yeah, things are just so calm under Biden right now...

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