Don't understand cyber bullying


Purple Belt
Apr 26, 2017
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Why can't people just disconnect, turn off their pc or log off what gay social platform they are using? Block people? Is there something I'm missing that keeps them there taking it?

Internets full off toxic fuckheads whether you know them personally or not but there is some cool communities around. Makes me question trolls too. What's the percentage of those having fun compared to the miserable pricks that lash out on others cos they are unhappy in life.
There's a lot of miserable dudes on this forum alone. But people like that are everywhere, is easy to weed them out.
You don't understand it because you're not a fragile pussy.
I don't get it either. You don't have to be on social media, and if you are you can simply block people. Only real exceptions I can think of is doxxing, revenge porn, and death threats.
Why can't people just disconnect, turn off their pc or log off what gay social platform they are using? Block people? Is there something I'm missing that keeps them there taking it?

Internets full off toxic fuckheads whether you know them personally or not but there is some cool communities around. Makes me question trolls too. What's the percentage of those having fun compared to the miserable pricks that lash out on others cos they are unhappy in life.
huge part in this generations life, revolves around internet shit, fuckers can't leave their phones off for 5 minutes, some are even worse off, and been duped into sending dick picks or boobs and tits, been a few suicides because of that in the UK
As an adult I don't understand how it's even possible, but as a younger child who uses social media and is connected with all the kids from his school which are people he or she would have to encounter on a daily basis I can understand. Kids are ruthless and have no problem singling out someone and everyone will just pile on and on.
They could just stop using it but that isn't going to stop it from happening, and in away that's just hiding.
Daspy you've run more people off this forum than anyone <LikeReally5>
What is more noble? To be born Good and judge the sin of others, or overcome your own evil to do Good for others?
Kids today dont have the option of "disconnecting". So much of the school curriculum is tied to online work and communication that they are academically crippled if they arent participating.
I remember when I was in school and some kid came up to me and said "I have videos of you masturbating!" I said "No you don't," laughed, and walked away. That was the end of that
Why can't people just disconnect, turn off their pc or log off what gay social platform they are using? Block people? Is there something I'm missing that keeps them there taking it?

Ego, imo. They want to prove to others and/or to himself/herself that he/she is not how he/she is characterized by the bully.
OP: It's an odd question given the subject and your bewilderment. The implication is that you shouldn't care about what people do online, so you've rendered your own question un-askable by your own recognizance.

But to your point the main disconnect is that you're probably drawing your anecdotes from children who don't have the emotional maturity to not read what is being spewed about them and celebrities who have few other choices but social media to measure their money-making abilities.

AKA n___a lol close your eyes n___a.

I remember when I was in school and some kid came up to me and said "I have videos of you masturbating!" I said "No you don't," laughed, and walked away. That was the end of that
Kids today dont have the option of "disconnecting". So much of the school curriculum is tied to online work and communication that they are academically crippled if they arent participating.

This is true but none of my daughters work has been connected to social media or involves her using the internet in a way that someone could bully her.
Funny, I teach about this stuff.

Not always that simple.

What if it is a group of kids circulating rumors, photos, or texts regarding another kid. That kid still needs to deal with the repercussions when going back to school.

And trolls are miserable pricks that get off on the power of anonymity. The impersonal nature of online dehumanizes people and makes them say things they'd never say IRL. Few people would approach an actual stranger and say kys.

I suppose it's the same way you would cuss out/flick off a car but not a pedestrian you're walking next to.
Gen Z is all about online identity as they were born into the digital age and until they get older, how they are perceived through social media is a big deal.

Once you get older you lose the care for what people think of you irl or online. ... your skin gets thicker. Hell sometimes you need thick skin to deal with people on this website. God knows I've had every insult in the book thrown at me here.
Why can't people just disconnect, turn off their pc or log off what gay social platform they are using? Block people? Is there something I'm missing that keeps them there taking it?

Internets full off toxic fuckheads whether you know them personally or not but there is some cool communities around. Makes me question trolls too. What's the percentage of those having fun compared to the miserable pricks that lash out on others cos they are unhappy in life.

I'm not sure if you're aware of this but there was an incredible man who realized about 2,000 years ago that people have a great deal of difficulty letting go of emotional attachments.

He also identified that emotional attachments are the root of all suffering.

We just call him by his nickname these days, Buddha.

This is a lot older than computers.

Funny, I teach about this stuff.

Not always that simple.

What if it is a group of kids circulating rumors, photos, or texts regarding another kid. That kid still needs to deal with the repercussions when going back to school.

And trolls are miserable pricks that get off on the power of anonymity. The impersonal nature of online dehumanizes people and makes them say things they'd never say IRL. Few people would approach an actual stranger and say kys.

I suppose it's the same way you would cuss out/flick off a car but not a pedestrian you're walking next to.

And there's this too, many times the bullies on screens may know the victim in real life. Even if they don't people dox each other.

Tons of IRL shootings in south Chicago start as social media beefs before moving into the streets cause you can't let so and so say that about you cause you keep it real.

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