Media (Dr) Bryce Mitchell swallows a dozen raw eggs, drops knowledge

He has chickens... do you know how salmonella works? It's a bacteria that I'd caused from feces... so ummm... if you grab your own chickens eggs and they haven't been shat on... basically impossible... on top of that 40,000 salmonella infections happen a year in the USA... so you have a .001% chance of being infected by salmonella.... thats not 1% that's a thousandth of a percent ... p.s. you can smell salmonella from a mile away so uh don't eat smelly ass food that smells like sulfur..

Furthermore it's proven fact that food cholesterol has no effect on blood cholesterol...

Lastly I would never want to drink eggs lmao gross

Eggs can become contaminated with salmonella through three main ways:
  • Shell contamination: Bacteria can enter the egg through pores in the shell after the egg is laid, or if the shell is cracked.
  • Within the chicken's reproductive organs: Salmonella can be found in the ovaries of infected hens, and can enter the egg before the shell forms.
  • Post-lay: Salmonella can be absorbed by the egg after it is laid
The UFC has to make more money for its overlords Jerry Springer and Mark Walhberg, so all the fighter's better get on social media! No clicks = no title shots! Sorry Tony! Take a page from Conors book! - Tom Cruise - show us your filming techniques so we can make Conor look big, let's pump up Conor then sell the UFC to Mark Wahlberg!
Hey, I saw the first / proper explanation / elucidation before this edit, but could not respond at the time. I appreciated it.

This one is good too tho.

Thx again

Seems like something a flat earther would embrace
A lot of bodybuilders used to eat raw eggs. Hill hogan did as well. The raw yolk contains more cholesterol which increases test, it’s still too risky to do that
Duh it tastes like an egg like chicken tastes like chicken and steak tastes like steak.... without seasoning they all don't taste "good".... seasoning just makes their innate flavor taste good... cook 5 scrambled eggs don't put a touch of salt pepper oil butter scrape it off your pan and come tell me it's delicious
I eat boiled eggs everyday they taste great and i dont need salt though i said i know it makes it better but sad if you need to have salt to enjoy the flavors.

I agree with both of you.
I usually like some eggs either scrambled or over medium with some hash browns and either a sausage patty or a couple of stips of bacon..maybe an English muffin...

But I am not eating the potato or meat raw...just saying...
I feel you bro. That's good eating.
Oh well.

Actually, science (something unknown to Mr. Cleatus here), proved that cooked eggs are more bioavailable for digestion. Not much, but I think I read something about it 10 years ago.

usually I don't like fighters getting KOed stiff, but arrogant flat earthers can get it :D
If you're chugging raw eggs you're clearly not the type of person who enjoys food. That's a waste of eggs.
If you have chickens you'll have more eggs than you know what to do with (hence his giant bucket of eggs.)
If you have chickens you'll have more eggs than you know what to do with (hence his giant bucket of eggs.)

Nonsense, if he's raising a horde of chickens for their eggs it's because he's selling them. He's consuming a specific amount of eggs himself and he's choosing to consume them in the absolute least appealing way possible. At least make a fucking omelette or scramble. People who enjoy food wouldn't be chugging 6 raw eggs for breakfast, they'd be cooking them. The raw egg crap is for uncultured retards who watched Rocky and copy what they see in the movies.