International Dumbing down academia to soak in struggling ethnic groups


Brown Belt
Aug 9, 2012
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So this lady is experiencing a total shakedown of the criteria to get into the sciences to let in people of color into the scientific and medical organizations. They are changing it from basing acceptance through MCAT scores, which is dominated by Asians, to include "personality" scores so that we can get a lot more black and latino doctors

She argues that this will hold back scientific and medical breakthroughs and achievements in the USA, which the rest of the world currently relies on

There's a fine balance between test scores and personality for fields like this. I'll note that everyone complaining about "reducing standards" would almost certainly prefer their female family members receive mammograms and gynecology checkups from a female doctor, not a male doctor.
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Personality has always been an important component of getting into medical school and has been evaluated many in different ways, including interviews, essays, and tests. No school has ever just looked at MCAT scores, as suggested in the OP.
Personality has always been an important component of getting into medical school and has been evaluated many in different ways, including interviews, essays, and tests. No school has ever just looked at MCAT scores, as suggested in the OP.
A good doctor is one who genuinely cares about helping people rather than primarily being interested in making bank.

Some medical pros just want to get people in and out as quick as possible. Some are generous with their time. Some are good at listening and trying to accomdate the patient's requests; others not so much.
Personality has always been an important component of getting into medical school and has been evaluated many in different ways, including interviews, essays, and tests. No school has ever just looked at MCAT scores, as suggested in the OP.
Was it common practice to accept a student into medical school when they had poor MCAT scores because they were just so bitchen?

You’re right, I’m sure there is more to what they look at when accepting students, but having good grades should always be a prerequisite.
Classes are too hard...

I tell this story app the time cause it is funny to me.

I took an equity course called Engineering 101. It was supposed to increase graduation rates by teaching elementary knowledge freshmen were missing. We were studying volume vs surface area by building progressively larger cubes out of 1cc blocks and writing down the area and volume.

These three bitches at the table next to me were building rectangular prisms for 20 minutes and couldn't figure out what the problem was. Instructor knew this was the point of the class and let them figure it out themselves.
Was it common practice to accept a student into medical school when they had poor MCAT scores because they were just so bitchen?

You’re right, I’m sure there is more to what they look at when accepting students, but having good grades should always be a prerequisite.

It's "common practice" to accept someone with poor MCAT scores now? You have any sort of source for that?

A medical school application is pretty comprehensive. There is usually a baseline for grades and MCAT scores to go further in the selection process.
A good doctor is one who genuinely cares about helping people rather than primarily being interested in making bank.

Some medical pros just want to get people in and out as quick as possible. Some are generous with their time. Some are good at listening and trying to accomdate the patient's requests; others not so much.

Empathy, compassion, patience, listening skills etc are all required to be a good doctor. Not every doctor has these qualities but ideally they are tested for in the process. It's a tough job and people also get worn down over time.
I tell this story app the time cause it is funny to me.

I took an equity course called Engineering 101. It was supposed to increase graduation rates by teaching elementary knowledge freshmen were missing. We were studying volume vs surface area by building progressively larger cubes out of 1cc blocks and writing down the area and volume.

These three bitches at the table next to me were building rectangular prisms for 20 minutes and couldn't figure out what the problem was. Instructor knew this was the point of the class and let them figure it out themselves.

They’re called weeder classes for a reason.

Some people will never grasp the concept of STEM fields. No matter how many classes they take.

Thermodynamics took out almost half the engineering majors in my class
It's "common practice" to accept someone with poor MCAT scores now? You have any sort of source for that?

A medical school application is pretty comprehensive. There is usually a baseline for grades and MCAT scores to go further in the selection process.
I misread the op on my initial skim through it. I thought they were reducing the grade needed to be accepted not just adding in a separate test entirely and then taking the people that do the best on both combined.

You make a good point that interpersonal skills are extremely important for a doctor to have. I also agree that it’s a hard job and really must wear some people down and make them kind of jaded.
There's a fine balance between test scores and personality for fields like this. I'll note that everyone complaining about "reducing standards" would almost certainly prefer their female family members receive mammograms and genecology checkups from a female doctor, not a male doctor.

It's all by design.

The enemies of the US realized that in order to destroy the US, all you have to do is figure out a way to have the citizens themselves destroy it.

Ideological subversion was that way.

Yuri Besmenov literally laid it all out in multiple interviews. Use the educational system to indoctrinate and retard the mental processing of the populace.

But because it's a "conspiracy theory", and via mass media propaganda people were taught to reject conspiracy theories, nobody sees it for what it actually is.
Its good they are dumbing it down so Republicans can understand it
There's a fine balance between test scores and personality for fields like this. I'll note that everyone complaining about "reducing standards" would almost certainly prefer their female family members receive mammograms and gynecology checkups from a female doctor, not a male doctor.
Many medical schools have equal, or more, women than men students.