Edgar Allan Poe -

Maybe with one that is.....Motley?
Damn, Mick Mars was born 50 years old.
The man was coerced into committing election fraud, married a teenager, and couldn't handle his liquor. That's a pretty damn good resume if he wanted to be a government official.
The Goliath candor of one's good will not mention ye whi bestows the shining light of serenity upon thee
Joined in 2001, let's say you joined when you were 15 and it's a very low chance. That means you are at least 37 possibly more than 40, maybe even 50
This is a great example of mid life crisis and years of alcohol abuse

At least the guy has read a book in his life
Edgar "The Raven" Allan-Poe

Poor guy lost credibility after he was outed as a confirmed height cutter

https://www.eapoe.org/geninfo/poeapprn.htm#:~:text=Dr.,Poe's weight as 140 pounds.

Poe’s military records from West Point give his height as 5 foot, 8 inches. (A photographic reproduction is reprinted in Michael Deas, Portraits of Poe, p. 4. The same document is excerpted in The Poe Log, p. 80.) Poe himself repeated this height in a letter to Joseph M. Field, June 15, 1846, “I am 33 years of age — height 5 ft. 8” (Ostrom, Letters, p. 319). Dr. John J. Moran’s description inexplicably added 2 inches to this height, making Poe 5 foot, 10 inches. Moran gave Poe’s weight as 140 pounds.

E. L. Didier gives this somehat dissenting description of Poe, presumably based on first-hand testimony from Maria Clemm, Neilson Poe, N. C. Brooks and others: “Edgar Poe was five feet six inches high . . . his shoulders were broad, his chest full, his waist small, his limbs symmetrical, his feet and hands as beautiful and shapely as a girl’s. He had the firm step, erect form, and military bearing observable in all West-Pointers” (Didier, p. 125).
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Dr. Seuss is much more my speed.

Anyone else notice that over the past year or two, three different films came out all about a murder at west point, featuring young cadet Edgar Allen Poe?
It says Edgar Allan died 40 years old. But in the pictures he looks much older than that.
It must be true that we are becoming younger year by year. Soon you cant tell 50 year old from a 20 year old.