Edgy Brah Shares His Thoughts on the Weinstein Scandal


Red Belt
Dec 21, 2009
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Between this and Rogan mocking child sex abuse victims, JRE is really reaching new levels of sophistication. I might have to finally start watching.
Everyone that runs Hollywood is a Pedo

Bet UFC owner Ari emanuel likes the youngins too
eddie would be a lot of fun to blaze and shoot the shit with.
Eddie has smoked way too much weed to be taken seriously. The Weinstein case is so bad and so sick Eddie should not discuss because it is just mean to the victims
i dunno some of them seem talented. anyways dude is off his mind on drugs. i cant belive joes fans take jre serious.
Can you imagine put Eddie Bravo, GSP, Ferguson and Nick Diaz in the same room for a conversation?
What did rogan say about child sex abuse victims?

I think he was watching something about of Corey Feldman, and started making fun of his jacket, and then went on to pontificate on whether he was wearing said jacket while he was being molested. He just apologized for it yesterday I think.
And Meryl Streep dissed mma. Say whatever about Dana but none of the wmma women - or the ufc ring girls for that matter - have ever accused him of pulling a Weinstein.
Everything is political but why are Weinstein stories not in the Mayberry section? What's the angle? It's not like this guy is a toe tapping senator in the men's room looking for action. He's a hollywood producer.
This thread is not what I thought it would be.




In fairness to Rogan, he did issue a heartfelt apology. That being said, I was present in the podcast when he said the comment, my thought was: "that's a miss". I knew he was just trying to bring humor to a dark topic, much like the movie 'Happiness'...or Sherdog :/

Most people find these types of "jokes" in bad taste, 100%...BUT, intention is most important. Joe is a father, and in no way do I believe he doesn't take pedophilia seriously, or give a shit.

The PC police will have you believe that these types comments damages the battle against pedophiles, and to a degree, they might, but only in a minor way. The reality is, the vast majority of people who commit these offenses are right in your face, just as aghast as you are, on the surface. They're Priests, teachers, daycare workers, Boy Scout leaders, etc.

The real battle against pedophilia needs awareness, and whether you like it or not, this situation brought more to the issue. Want to better protect your children? Start by directing your energy in the right direction, not to off colored jokes that fail...but using real world strategies that'll actually make a difference.

When I was doing my Criminal Justice degree, I studied Pedophilia, and its treatment and effectiveness, intensely. Learning how this enemy operates will best prepare you in protecting your kids. Pedophiles generally tend to target loners, kids who's parents are never around, or take little interest. Go meet your kids teachers, scout leader, etc. Shake their hand, look them in the eye, show them you take a genuine interest in your child's life...this is a HUGE red flag to a pedophile...they'll look elsewhere. Also, don't hide these awkward discussions from your children, educate them on whats right and wrong...give them the tools to protect themselves. Pedophiles aren't generally stupid criminals, if they sense the child is aware, they're outta there.

Smarter, not harder.

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The look on Schaub's face sums it up. What a shitty comment.

That said, I agree with Schaub. It comes out and it's a shock to everyone, but then celebrities come out saying "oh yeah, we've known about this for a long time" like... What?