Elias Theodorou vs. Dan Kelly

Elias acting tough like he isn't gonna try point fight to a decision
Kelly looks old but I hate how Theo looks when he fights. He looks like he's dancing.
Theodoru has that karate style bouncing around
I love Dan Kelly. Dad body and no tramp stamps. thats what you call a real man.
In. @Wadtucket @paynebringer @HI SCOTT NEWMAN

Those awful looking hooks are the worst punches i've ever seen... damn
This is sad. Kelly's trying his best to fight and Elias is literally dancing circles around him.
Theodorou is such a bad fighter, how is he competing inside the UFC? Even Dan Kelly beats him up.
How. In 7 hells. Did Rashad lose to this stiff???
I like old Man Kelly. He fights.

Elias is terrible. He looks like a former soccer player who has been training for a few months
Kelly looks like he landed some good strikes
Wonder how Kelly would have done if he got into MMA earlier. The guy has skill. Just not much time left in his career.
does he end every exchange with a damn kick?

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