Opinion Elon Musk's Ex Wife Grimes responds to being called a Nazi for being proud of white culture.

@Wadtucket they were. they were never banned from marrying white anglo Saxon Protestants which they would have been if they were considered non white, and they were never banned from white only unions

have you seen Irish people? No one is mistakingly calling them black

Are you serious? It was illegal for a very long time while the British enslaved them lol

Also it’s very easy to differ Irish people from a Russian or a Swede as well so only pin pointing Africans is kind of stupid.

She has since deleted the tweet. What are your thoughts on this? Do you think she is a nazi or isn't she?
Are you functionally retarded or something along those lines?
Good question. Why do you think the US is overrepresented among Nobel prize winners?

American whites > European whites.

USA and Europe have similar percentages of Nobel prize winners.
Are you serious? It was illegal for a very long time while the British enslaved them lol

Also it’s very easy to differ Irish people from a Russian or a Swede as well so only pin pointing Africans is kind of stupid.
It was illegal on the basis of religion, if you converted to Protestantism you enjoyed every benefit the anglo Irish class had, they didn’t consider you a different race becuase of your beliefs

i said African becuase Africans arent white, as opposed to swedes and Russians who are white

She has since deleted the tweet. What are your thoughts on this? Do you think she is a nazi or isn't she?

Yep, you're not a nazi for being proud to be white. You're just racist.
You should be non stop apologising for someone who had your skin colour who you don't know or never even walked the earth at the same time as you.
Are you functionally retarded or something along those lines?
For what? Making a thread about what grimes said?

Are you that afraid of criticizing what someone who used to be married to elon, that you call the messanger retarted? How fucking embarassing.
White people invented like 98% of everything so there's a lot to be proud of. And everyone wants to move to where the white people are. But trends indicate that Asia is going to overtake that spot and they won't make the mistake of opening their borders to countless migrants.
You are whining in English, a white language.

Yep, you're not a nazi for being proud to be white. You're just racist.
You should be non stop apologising for someone who had your skin colour who you don't know or never even walked the earth at the same time as you.

All of you still still like each other's posts, it's kind of funny.
The idea of white culture is ok on its face though there are many nationalities and ethnicities involved. The issue I have is why does anyone need to talk about it like that. I'm no more proud of being white than anything else. I didn't contribute those great things that changed history be they white or another color. I'm just a guy that happened to be born white. Could have gone another way but that's what I got. No need to be proud of something I didn't work for. Some of this is the fracturing of the group as Americans (insert another country) and into what tribe we come from be it politically, racially or ethnically. No need for any of this imo. My kids are half mexican and I have mexican inlaws and a black brother in law. So to this stuff I always say meh... I get it to some degree but ultimately my boys will be men who have their own accomplishments to be proud.

I agree with what you're saying but it's actually the left that does this ad nauseum. There has been a concerted effort to lump all people of black skin together into some like minded group for the last 10 to 15 years.

They used to celebrate the individual. All men are created equal. Race doesn't exist. Now there is black culture and a "black community." Its all the rage to acknowledge and celebrate one's blackness as an utmost important characteristic.

To me it's an obvious effort to ensure black people are a monolithic voting block. It's the reason you can get 95 percent of an entire race to vote Democrat.

She has since deleted the tweet. What are your thoughts on this? Do you think she is a nazi or isn't she?
Dunno but it's pretty dumb--and hypocritical when it comes from anyone complaining they are being blamed for slavery perpetrated by a bunch of white people a hundred+ years ago. I've said it before and I'll say it again. It's dumb to be proud of being white, or proud of white culture or whatever other term you want to add after white to soften it from being so plainly racist.

It's great to appreciate your past, to have an understanding of how it has shaped you, but what in the actual fuck is there for you to personally feel proud of about what people in the past who are unrelated to you have done?

Aside: I would like to see the original context in which she used the expression to better gauge whether the reactions she received were at all warranted, except that I really could not give less of a fuck about this person.
There nothing wrong in what she saying or doing or what not. Be proud of your race.
Again, what in the actual fuck is there to be proud of, exactly?
Again, what in the actual fuck is there to be proud of, exactly?

It means be proud of who you are, where you come from, and the group of people you belong to.

Im proud to be part of my biological family, for example. Not because they or I are special but because I have respect and reverence for them. Thus Im proud to share that genetic lineage and to be apart of that group of people.
I mean most of the next generation technologies are coming out of China lol

I guess ai, quantum computing, high speed rail and nuclear power are nothing

You always post the most racist shit but are oblivious to most of the world.
Asians invented a lot of stuff but all of the stuff you mentioned was started by white Europeans.
Also the US has surged ahead on AI. Just look at ChatGPT and OpenAI.
It means be proud of who you are, where you come from, and the group of people you belong to.

Im proud to be part of my biological family, for example. Not because they or I are special but because I have respect and reverence for them. Thus Im proud to share that genetic lineage and to be apart of that group of people.
I'm not referring to your immediate family. I specified as much. Being proud of the outcome of a bunch of random biological processes seems utterly silly to me and cover for racism.

I'm exactly 6' tall, always been naturally slim--though not skinny--and I could go on and on about the characteristics I consider myself fortunate to have, and I'm quite pleased with them but why the hell would I be proud of that?
Asians invented a lot of stuff but all of the stuff you mentioned was started by white Europeans.
Also the US has surged ahead on AI. Just look at ChatGPT and OpenAI.
Would any of that shit work without '0'? Who invented that?