Excellent Machida Interview: ''Its Hard to Understand What Belfort Says...''

He didn't say that. He said technically Jones is better, which is true, nobody can deny it.

But glover has things that Jones doesn't.

From a Brazilian this is the equivalent of Machida saying Jones will destroy Glover. Generally Brazilians will say things like, "Glover won all 5 rounds." before they even have the fight or when asked who would win in a fight between a Brazilian and God, they'll laugh and ask if you are serious because of course the Brazilian would win.
From a Brazilian this is the equivalent of Machida saying Jones will destroy Glover. Generally Brazilians will say things like, "Glover won all 5 rounds." before they even have the fight or when asked who would win in a fight between a Brazilian and God, they'll laugh and ask if you are serious because of course the Brazilian would win.

Well, fortunately nobodys opinion every really counts for much, not even the professionals.

Anything can happen in this sport, and i for one think Glover is going to TKO Jones.
From a Brazilian this is the equivalent of Machida saying Jones will destroy Glover. Generally Brazilians will say things like, "Glover won all 5 rounds." before they even have the fight or when asked who would win in a fight between a Brazilian and God, they'll laugh and ask if you are serious because of course the Brazilian would win.

Name - dickniaz
Location - same as Chuck Lidell

Coincidence ?? I think not !!

People I've found The account On which Chuck Lidell posts on !!
I like the humility from Machida here, not like his ridiculous Anderson Silva money comments. Lyoto is starting to grow on me despite the extreme nuthuggers around here. My prediction still stands though, Machida will get KO'd by Mousasi and then will retire at the insistence of his father.
You will continue to slander Machida no matter what. You don't deserve to be a fan of his after all the bullshit you spewed about him. Go back to watching your boy Diaz.
vitor is very emotional and not very logical - things he says dont really make sense, but hes a fighter, so he can make up for it by kicking people in the head
vitor is very emotional and not very logical - things he says dont really make sense, but hes a fighter, so he can make up for it by kicking people in the head

what vitor does and says is unexplainable

god is unexplainable

vitor = god

no wonder he praises him so much, it all makes sense now!
I don't know what the hell Vitor is talking about sometimes
He forgot to mention Kennedy, who probably should be well ahead of Munoz at this point.
There is a moment that we must walk alone, father helping his son to stand up is good, but will always help is good? Does not he have to learn to stand alone?

I don't know why, but the stilted english really made this bit. Some deep thoughts being thunk right there.
"I'm focusing to see who's gonna be the next guy in my jungle...Hey buddy, in my jungle, I'm undefeated."

Pure class as always. He's the only fighter I follow on Instagram, together with Shogun. He seems like the nicest family guy ever. Hope he comes far @ MW !
"I'm focusing to see who's gonna be the next guy in my jungle...Hey buddy, in my jungle, I'm undefeated."

The lion in the jungle. Swinging from trees.

And not a single question about Mousasi. Great.
Machida seems to be one of the more knowledgeable fighters around. Can't help but love the guy for his honesty alone.
Is Machida some kind of reincarnated Lama.