Media Fan that Arman took a punch at identified

I'm 51 today, the only reason I know it's my birthday is someone told me last week that my license was fixing to expire, lol. I got my driver's license on my 15th birthday in 1987. I'm fucking too fucking old, man, holy shit. Lol
Happy Birthday!!!! woooo hooooo. Enjoy your birthday and have fun. Much love brother.

Thank you for always being such a cool cat, you have such a great energy. Happy Birthday ;)

So Arman assaulted a guy because he showed him the middle finger. What a loser.
Do me a favor, go walk around giving ppl the middle finger inches from their face and see what happens. Don’t forget to record it.
Do me a favor, go walk around giving ppl the middle finger inches from their face and see what happens. Don’t forget to record it.

Obvious difference between being flipped off randomly on the streets and being heckled as you are walking to the ring by fans.

But even if we ignore that, if you flip someone off randomly in the street and they run over and punch you -> they are still in the wrong.

You aren't allowed to assault someone because they hurt your feelings.
I am a bigger fan of Arman after punching a fan, it's quite refreshing to see a fighter not put up with the usual bullshit from fans. So many are wasted in the stands doing stupid shit at UFC events.
Is it wrong to be ok with the punch and ok with the apology? Responsibility being a good thing and all as opposed to the "everything is a lawsuit" bullshit mentality?
The same thing happens to me everyday at my local store.

I'm 51 today, the only reason I know it's my birthday is someone told me last week that my license was fixing to expire, lol. I got my driver's license on my 15th birthday in 1987. I'm fucking too fucking old, man, holy shit. Lol
Fellow Aries! Happy bday bro.
The guy seems surprisingly cool; seems he just let the moment get to him
If he literally just flipped him off, Arman should be in deep shit.. Gotta have thicker skin than that. If he hit Arman fair game, but you can't go clocking every person that points a finger at you, it's just a finger ffs lol. Proper response would be to give that fan the good old Diaz double finger. If he finished charles and then gave that dude a good double fingering, that would have been the ultimate response.

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