Fighters should never do that Frank Mir liquid protein diet only


Mar 13, 2017
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I remember Frank Mir said for one fight he was on nothing but whey protein and meal replacement shakes.

I decided to try it out and did it for three days I would drink one ensure drink for breakfast a whey shake for lunch a whey for post workout and a meal replacement shake before bed, but I wasnt taking a dump, and my stomach kept grumbling I finally cave in and eat some solid foods, a few moments later i start cramping up and run to the restroom and have diarrhea, everytime i ate something solid id have to go to the restroom, it took about three before my stools formed again and no longer had liquid shits or cramping

Where do fighters come up with these diets?
Lol who would think drinking only protien shakes is a good idea.
There's probably a bit of a difference in how your body is performing when compared to an elite level professional athlete.

I wouldn't expect my Ford Escort to run very well if I put rocket fuel into it.
Liquid Protein & Strong Jawlines: A Love Story.
There's probably a bit of a difference in how your body is performing when compared to an elite level professional athlete.

I wouldn't expect my Ford Escort to run very well if I put rocket fuel into it.

I remember Frank Mir said for one fight he was on nothing but whey protein and meal replacement shakes.

I decided to try it out and did it for three days I would drink one ensure drink for breakfast a whey shake for lunch a whey for post workout and a meal replacement shake before bed, but I wasnt taking a dump, and my stomach kept grumbling I finally cave in and eat some solid foods, a few moments later i start cramping up and run to the restroom and have diarrhea, everytime i ate something solid id have to go to the restroom, it took about three before my stools formed again and no longer had liquid shits or cramping

Where do fighters come up with these diets?
You can't just try these things for 30 minutes (or three days). Maybe in a few months you'd see some benfits and will be able to make up your mind. But trying it for 3 days and having a bad stool is not really a trustwothry review, in my humble opinion
What part of Balanced diet dont people understand?

Fucking bro science
Ha is that the diet he said he had post ufc 100? The guy went from around 245 to cutting weight to hw in like a year and wasn't a fatass either. I believe he said it was all from whey protein and creatine

proper nutrition is almost like rocket science

I agree but really its a little bit of everything and lots of water. LOL

But honestly some of the shit I see getting peddled by “ diet experts” in the sporting world blows my mind.
There's probably a bit of a difference in how your body is performing when compared to an elite level professional athlete.

I wouldn't expect my Ford Escort to run very well if I put rocket fuel into it.

Dietary rocket fuel isn't processed food (which is what protein shakes and meal replacement shakes/bars are) ,
The guy went from around 245 to cutting weight to hw in like a year and wasn't a fatass either. I believe he said it was all from whey protein and creatine

And then he failed a drug test....

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