For those of you who were watching since the beginning who was your favorite fighter in the mid 90's


What A Rush!!!
Jun 11, 2012
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I'm not really a fan of fighters these days as I like the sport as whole vs rooting for a "team;" But when I was a teenager around 94-95 some friends and I would rent the VHS tapes. I fucking hated Royce Gracie, because I didn't understand the grappling and thought it was boring.

Then Tank Abbott started coming around and he was my favorite. He was just some dick that wanted to legitimately hurt his opposition, and went in there to knock somebody's head off. It's too bad that he and Shamrock never crossed paths. Although I think Ken would have beat him.
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Keith Hackney was my favorite. Also hated Royce for the same reason back then.
I didn’t become a fanatic until tuf 1....but I took notice of dan Severn due to knowing him from the wrestling world, so the beast was my guy in the 90s...didn’t know
Many others aside from Royce and tank back then tho
Initially, Ken Shamrock.

When I saw Marco Ruas fight I was amazed.
Marco ruas was my favorite. Royce was interesting, but I thought who is this monkey looking guy that fights like a bitch?
I'm not really a fan of fighters these days as I like the sport as whole vs rooting for a "team;" But when I was a teenager around 94-95 some friends and would rent the VHS tapes. I fucking hated Royce Gracie, because I didn't understand the grappling and thought it was boring.

Then Tank Abbott started coming around and he was my favorite. He was just some dick that wanted to legitimately hurt his opposition, and went in there to knock somebody's head off. It's too bad that he and Shamrock never crossed paths. Although I think Ken would have beat him.
Royce since day one! This puny little nerd came out of nowhere, and obliterated EVERYONE! Quite the sight!
Oleg Taktarov. Looked harmless but ended up beating much bigger guys with toughness and great grappling.
Don Frye was the man back in the day. He could wrestle and box. True fighter and true heart.
The King of The Streets Marco ruas
I remember renting the VHS tapes from Blockbuster in the olden days. Royce was my favorite in the beginning.
I call bs on everyone saying they weren’t captivated by Royce Gracie during this time period. A skinny kid choking out monsters was something you only saw in movies.

First event I ever ordered was UFC 4 and I marveled at Royce defeating everyone, then choking out the 260 lb Dan Severn in the final. Severn’s size, dominance and wrestling pedigree had us all thinking it was an unwinnable match for Royce. It was pretty spectacular.
I always loved Kimo carrying the cross in. Although I didn't actually root for Kimo.
I call bs on everyone saying they weren’t captivated by Royce Gracie during this time period. A skinny kid choking out monsters was something you only saw in movies.

First event I ever ordered was UFC 4 and I marveled at Royce defeating everyone, then choking out the 260 lb Dan Severn in the final. Severn’s size, dominance and wrestling pedigree had us all thinking it was an unwinnable match for Royce. It was pretty spectacular.

I was 14 and thought it was stupid. I could respect it I guess, but I was expecting something that looked like a Van Damm movie. I was a pro wrestling fan growing up too and would always watch with the hope of the wrestlers getting pissed and going for real, so once I discovered the UFC I was captivated.