For Weight Loss: Muscle Milk or EvoPro?

Matt Thornton

Amateur Fighter
Sep 2, 2004
Reaction score
EvoPro is the protein in Muscle Milk. The difference is it doesn't have the Creatine GCC or all the fat in Muscle Milk.

At the moment I'm trying to lose weight. Should I be taking Muscle Milk? Or should I switch over to EvoPro, which is advertised as a "Diet Protein?"
thaiboxgrappler said:
How fast are you trying to cut?

Not particularly fast. Cutting around 500 calories a day for a 1 pound per week weight loss.
Muscle Milk is kinda high in calories. Maybe use only 1 scoop per serving instead of the suggested 2.
most people who take musclemilk are trying to bulk probly just the EVO pro for the protein needs - the high calories in muscle milk...and if u want creatine just throw in som good monohydrate or EE