Former Miss Connecticut USA was high end hooker throughout marriage to rich surgeon- He is angry

LOL she's from Old Saybrook, so she was probably a spoiled rich girl who got into drugs in HS. Husband was probably actually paying attention to finances and she had to find some way to support her habit without anyone in her family finding out. I know a few of that type from that town.
I wonder how much 2 hours would cost. Serious question. Never knew what “high end” actually meant dollar wise.

It's a pretty misleading headline.
She actually made 675k over 6-7 yrs.
So 100k/yr or 2k/wk.
If she's gone for days, 2k/wk is not a very high rate.
I'm thinking the higher end ones are charging 5-20k for a weekend
Importing more muslims to this country will fix this problem with the quickness
1. The legal filing would have been stronger if it pointed out that prostitution is illegal and therefor she is a criminal (assuming it doesn't already mention that).

2. A lot of smart guys' brains go haywire when they see a beautiful woman. It's obvious from looking at her that she's questionable.

3. Reading the news, once in a while there are stories of young women getting killed, and the news explains that she was meeting guys for sex; sometimes prostition, sometimes just for sex. And these girls aren't beauty queens, but beautiful girls that look like the girl next door.
lol even the richest Asian dudes have it bad with white chicks

Years ago, there was a story of a wealthy Asian guy, who I think lives in Asian and America. He does finances.

Anyway, he was dating/sex this beautiful white European woman. I think he was married to a white woman at the time.

The young woman left the Asian guy for a black guy that works in a club or something.

This all came out because the Asian guy was harrassing the young woman and the black guy, leaving nasty messages and all that, so the young woman sued him in American court.

She ended up winning a lot of money.
She must have been tipped well

Actually it says she would whore herself out in China, so maybe those tips came up a bit short
He should legally be allowed two hard open handed slaps across her face as part of the settlement. It shall be staged in public and she shall be pelted with creme pies as she walks back to her home.

The same goes if the genders were reversed. A swift kick in the nuts for the man.

lol this. Men calling themselves feminists are either simps or traitors to their own gender. Modern feminism is at war against men.

Total pussy talk right there. Big tuff dudes scared of women haha. Pause the Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro infomercials and take a walk outside before you shoot up a school or a Target.

lol this. Men calling themselves feminists are either simps or traitors to their own gender. Modern feminism is at war against men.
It may seem that way at it's surface but it only really makes sense if they're out to destroy feminity or more simply anything noble about being a woman.

They want to trade the palace built for the wife and mother for the life of an inferior man.
He should legally be allowed two hard open handed slaps across her face as part of the settlement. It shall be staged in public and she shall be pelted with creme pies as she walks back to her home.

The same goes if the genders were reversed. A swift kick in the nuts for the man.

Total pussy talk right there. Big tuff dudes scared of women haha. Pause the Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro infomercials and take a walk outside before you shoot up a school or a Target.

I actually enjoy living in this world full of pussyfied dudes giving their love and money to them. Once you know the rules, its good. But i also despise Treason.

Its a game for Power. Those in the Men team should not score for team Women.
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