Former Miss Connecticut USA was high end hooker throughout marriage to rich surgeon- He is angry

Out of curiosity, have you ever actually studied feminism, or are your comments based on your subjective evaluation of what you think it is?

The examples you are using , i.e "google why we should hate men" don't provide much insight into what feminism is about. It merely points to the fact that there are bitter woman who want to hurt men. If I googled "why should men not marry woman", I would get the opposing perspective.

The reason why you (and alot of other people) have such a negative view of feminism, is that it is only the extreme expressions of militant feminism that you hear about. For every one youtube video showing an angry woman claiming that all men are rapists, there are dozens of moderate feminists who don't share those views or vocalize them in a public way. This is true of most issues - only people at the extremes attract attention, and as a result, we erroneously assume that these views are the norm.

I am a professor at a liberal university in Canada - if there was ever a hotbed for feminism, it would by where I work. Overwhelmingly though, the people that self identify as feminists are looking for equality, not the vilification of all men.

"Out of curiosity, have you ever actually studied feminism, or are your comments based on your subjective evaluation of what you think it is?"

Actually quite a lot. My best friend did a psych degree and refers to herself as a feminist. No matter how much revolting shit I show her from some of the leading voices in feminism over the decades as well as contemporary references, she still hides behind the dictionary definition of the word.

There is what they profess to be and what their words and actions show them to be.

"The examples you are using , i.e "google why we should hate men" don't provide much insight into what feminism is about. It merely points to the fact that there are bitter woman who want to hurt men. If I googled "why should men not marry woman", I would get the opposing perspective."

Because they are from massive newspapers from around the world as well as published books. There is some absolute horrifying shit I have used for references in my discussions with the friend I referenced above.

It 's interesting that you would actually draw an equivalency between "why we should hate men" "kill all men" etc and "why should men not marry woman" which is typically about the legal ramifications of the ridiculous current legal system around marriage in divorce. Do you really believe these are even remotely similar?

...actually, I can see this is something that could end up in writing massive amounts of text and responses etc and on another day I might be up for it but currently I just want a glass of wine and to kick back after work so I just don't really have the motivation to enter this discussion currently.

Peace out.
Sex is a sacred bond between man and wife. In addition to which, no little girl grows up dreaming of being an escort.
I mean most people didn't grow up dreaming of being an accountant either. But then at some point they decided to become one. It's called growth.

She clearly decided to get diddled for a living at some point.
materialism and money and looks are a tiny fraction of the factors that cause men to choose the wrong women friend.

let me put it this way, in the world of spirituality and/or recovery from addiction or recovering from being with or raised by an addict it is COMMON knowledge that some people have the wrong "picker". and it is very common to outgrow that personal problem by doing intense spiritual work and introspection.

i bet in two years with help (if you were willing to do the work) you could be past this and pick the right types.

but the main point is that it is NOT about the women-- its about you and you have got to own that and do something about it and you need help to do that.

I always find guys like you hilarious. The sanctimonious, condescending, holier than though type. It makes it hilarious when you find out they got divorced after rubbing their "amazing" marriage in everyone's faces.
The 'I don't understand the purpose of marriage tool kit!'

For some people the need to fit in and adhere to societal expectations is apparently overwhelming.

A guy I played indoor cricket with about 15 years ago was talking about how he didn't know if he really wanted to get married. I responded: Then why did you ask her to marry you? He said: "We've been dating for a couple of years now and, you're just supposed to aren't you?"

Those were his exact words, I shit you not...
For some people the need to fit in and adhere to societal expectations is apparently overwhelming.

A guy I played indoor cricket with about 15 years ago was talking about how he didn't know if he really wanted to get married. I responded: Then why did you ask her to marry you? He said: "We've been dating for a couple of years now and, you're just supposed to aren't you?"

Those were his exact words, I shit you not...

A lot of people conform to societal 'norms', even if they don't truly want to. It's always been the case, most people are hardwired to not want to be seen as 'different' to the norm because it might make them seem undesirable to their peers.
A lot of people conform to societal 'norms', even if they don't truly want to. It's always been the case, most people are hardwired to not want to be seen as 'different' to the norm because it might make them seem undesirable to their peers.

What a sad, sad way to live your life that must be.
Not buying it.

This doctor was a dumbass who married the hooker sent to service him. Now he realizes he was just a trick.

It's incredible how our hormones make even the brightest of us the dumbest of the dumb.
So you're saying journalists, authors and feminist "academics" aren't indicative of feminism? The people who write most of the man hating feminist garbage out there?

I'm not talking about random social media posts. I am talking about feminist sections in massive news papers and published books. These are some of the most well known feminists out there. Are you saying that they aren't actually feminists then? ...this will definitely come as a shock to them.

Yes, at the risk of playing the "No true Scotsman" trope, I'm saying third and fourth wave feminists aren't really feminists.

An elected representative from the US called another elected representative a :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:r in a council meeting a few weeks ag, whilst the council session was livestreamed. By your logic, that makes everyone in the US a racist.
I mean most people didn't grow up dreaming of being an accountant either. But then at some point they decided to become one. It's called growth.

She clearly decided to get diddled for a living at some point.

Being an accountant isn't in the same league as selling your body for money. How would you feel if your daughter was an accountant? Now, how would you feel if your daughter was a sex worker?
Being an accountant isn't in the same league as selling your body for money. How would you feel if your daughter was an accountant? Now, how would you feel if your daughter was a sex worker?
Anything you do as a job sells your body just in different ways.
I don't care what my children do as long as they are happy, once they are adults the ball is in their court not mine. (Not that I have any children)
Yes, at the risk of playing the "No true Scotsman" trope, I'm saying third and fourth wave feminists aren't really feminists.

An elected representative from the US called another elected representative a :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:r in a council meeting a few weeks ag, whilst the council session was livestreamed. By your logic, that makes everyone in the US a racist.

Some of the most famous feminists in the world aren't actual feminists because they don't adhere to what you imagine a feminist to be? That's certainly an... interesting opinion.

Because some random council member somewhere is a racist and they just happen to be an American citizen making the whole country racist... Saying ridiculous statement is even remotely equivalent to people who are seen as the leaders of a movement that identify as members of that specific movement is one of the most ridiculous stretches I have ever heard.
Anything you do as a job sells your body just in different ways.
I don't care what my children do as long as they are happy, once they are adults the ball is in their court not mine. (Not that I have any children)

You would very much be in the minority here.
Some of the most famous feminists in the world aren't actual feminists because they don't adhere to what you imagine a feminist to be? That's certainly an... interesting opinion.

Because some random council member somewhere is a racist and they just happen to be an American citizen making the whole country racist... Saying ridiculous statement is even remotely equivalent to people who are seen as the leaders of a movement that identify as members of that specific movement is one of the most ridiculous stretches I have ever heard.

Who are the leaders of the feminist movement in your mind?

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