Elections Former Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton: The Electoral College "Needs To Be Eliminated"


Si vis pacem, para bellum
Dec 6, 2010
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New York (CNN) Hillary Clinton told CNN on Wednesday that it is time to abolish the Electoral College, part of a sweeping interview where the former Democratic nominee sought to explain why she lost the 2016 election.

"I think it needs to be eliminated," Clinton said of the Electoral College. "I'd like to see us move beyond it, yes."

Clinton won the 2016 popular vote by nearly 3 million votes, a fact she routinely brings up in her new memoir. But Trump won the Electoral College, a body of 538 members who select the president based on the popular vote in each state, meaning the person who gets the most votes nationally doesn't necessarily win the election.

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The electoral college needs to be retooled at least.

Right now populous states aren't getting their fair share of votes.

Maybe the adjustments need to be made before every election cycle instead of every 10 years or just coming up with a fair number, 1 vote per 500K people or 1 million people, but right now it's not very balanced.
Hillary pretty much admitting that she (or her campaign team) can't play 2-D checkers, much less 4-D chess.
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lol dumb shriveled cunt thinks that if the winner was decided by popular votes, the numbers would be the same.
Hillary hates the Electoral College because it means to win she has to visit icky states like Wisconsin.
It's time #NotAnyonesPresident, aka Hitlery, goes away. Preferably to prison.
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I've felt this way for a while, but a valid concern can come off as just a case of sour grapes depending on the source. The focus really needs to be on the winning candidate's victory coinciding with the will of the people, and not on the fact that the last candidate who lost this way was Hillary Clinton (who is beginning to make me feel like she was running to become the President of Brazil).
I think getting rid of the ec is probably the only way to make things halfway fair to the voters.

If we tweak the ec to reflect population than the west and east coast will run the country but if we do away with the ec everyones vote counts and it might make for a slightly better politician

Its kinda weird to me that I have seen a populer vote candidate lose twice in the 17 or so years I have been able to vote
It's time #NotAnyonesPresident, aka Hitlery, goes away, preferably to prison.

That played great during the election.. But now?!?? Meh, we don't care so much.
I think getting rid of the ec is probably the only way to make things halfway fair to the voters.

If we tweak the ec to reflect population than the west and east coast will run the country but if we do away with the ec everyones vote counts and it might make for a slightly better politician

Its kinda weird to me that I have seen a populer vote candidate lose twice in the 17 or so years I have been able to vote

I like the electoral college more than the popular vote. I really think voting should be based on how much land you own though.
Stupid opinion from the wrong person.

From Hillary, this is just like Chael Sonnen calling for a ban on triangle chokes.

Also, while I hate the fact that Trump was able to get elected (and I fear what he is capable of doing to world politics), there is a reason this is in place. And it also makes sense to have something in your electoral laws that strengthens the states if you call yourself United States.
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It's time to abolish Hillary Clinton.

Also, lol at ny and Cali not getting enough...
I like the electoral college more than the popular vote. I really think voting should be based on how much land you own though.

Yes we should totally go back to lords and peasants that is totally the world I want to see come back.
no college means then millions of people in L.A. and N.Y. who only got here yesterday would get to tell the rest of us what to do.
The electoral college needs to be retooled at least.

Right now populous states aren't getting their fair share of votes.

Maybe the adjustments need to be made before every election cycle instead of every 10 years or just coming up with a fair number, 1 vote per 500K people or 1 million people, but right now it's not very balanced.

Implying democracy is good.
What needs to go is the "winner takes all", right now dominant parties can effectively seize control of an entire state which makes for said states to be forgotten at the national level which beats the point of fair representation in the first place.

That would certainly bring the parties closer together to the center if there was an incentive to cater to the people in solid states if they could get some of the electoral votes.
Maybe its time the Dems adjust their vision to include the red states?