Media Former UFC champ Eddie Alvarez gets DQ'd after an illegal back of the head strikes at ONE FC

Bullshit call. The other fighter desperately began positioning the back of his head into Eddie's punches once the Ref mentioned it.

Then he lies of the ground like a literal cadaver.

I thought if you turn your head yourself it's not your fault if you strike them behind the head?

Frank Mir made a career of doing that. Against Brock Lesnar the first time and Nog the second time he would expose the back of his own head so if they punched him they got in trouble, even though he made it happen. Gave him a chance to come back and win both fights too. If I was a ref I would have just let Mir and this guy take a beating.
Likely robbery of the year
I don't know what people are looking at but those are clearly back to the head shots, not even close to the ear

People know it's to the back of the head, it's just moronic because he exposed the back of his head to make it happen.
I'm not accusing Eddie of throwing illegal strikes on purpose, but when Lapicus' head is turned and his ear is in Eddie's face, it's tough to hit anything but the back of the head.
Wow Eddie looking ripped and tight. But yeah smart by the other guy, because Eddie was about to slaughter him. That Eddie can make another run at 155 in UFC.

Yeah, I hear it's a bit easier for older fighters to look jacked in One....something about a lack of testing?
Questionable but dont feel bad for him. He's gotten away with dirty shit unpunished before intentional or not
Questionable but dont feel bad for him. He's gotten away with dirty shit unpunished before intentional or not

It reminds me of when he got in trouble for the 12-6 elbows against Poirier. It's hard to feel bad for him when he keeps putting himself in these situations. He should know the rules and stop flirting with them and this wouldn't be a trend with him.
Eddie Alvarez hit em in the back of the head multiple times.

The guy was with his head turned for a while.....Eddie knew this, it wasn't as if the guy suddenly turned his head and got hit in the back of the head.
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